TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Relations To A Vice President

Remember that when I was around the age of 3 my family was all about my family history and whom we were related to when I was around the age of 6 I was told I am part of a huge career when it was the 1920's. My family had owned a farm and that's how they lived but of course before I was even born they had gotten rid of the farm.  I felt as though that I would have had a better life being able to create my own milk, eggs, and meat, knowing where they came from and knowing that there was nothing extra in them that was not needed. The next year when I was 7 my great grandfather had passed away. Around that time was when my great grandmother had told my sister and I how much he had loved going through everything he could possibly find about our family. At that age you might have thought would have been boring but I was very excited to know whom I was related to, to me that was fun like finding old coins, or basically wheat pennies and look at the dates. At 11 I was so excited about looking at those binders that I was also worried about what I would find out about my family, so I ended up not looking at any of the binders he had put together. I did not want to know if I was related to someone that was a criminal from the early 1900's or 1800's. I was happy that my great grandfather actually was able to track our family history all the way back to the Mayflower. It went even a little back farther to other boats in the early 1700's. I was able to see my family crest on my Scottish side and saw a couple of pictures of a castle that my family had owned and is now a Museum. Along with the Kirk family crest, which has 2 greyhounds on it. At the age of 16, my great grandmother had passed away so we ended up cleaning out her house. Thankfully we were able to actually get things (due to my cousin's) and ended up getting the family history that my great grandfather had recorded years ago. At that moment when I put them in my room, I sat there staring at those binders just looking through them reading, for hours I was on my bedroom floor. Everything just ended in tears, I was so happy about where I came from. I knew that I came from a very capable family, I thought to myself saying "you had someone in your family that was vice president when Abraham Lincoln was president. You can do anything just like how your ancestors did." My confidence was growing knowing that I came from a group that had to do whatever they could in order to survive in such harsh conditions. Coming from a Native American Tribe means that just like your ancestors, you are able to do anything for yourself and provide for your family. I have seen myself as a C.N.A roughly for the past 6 years and knowing that my family was able to do something like being a vice president, running a farm and making a living during a harsh time period. I feel as though I am able to accomplish becoming a C.N.A and go over any bumps in the road along the way. I see myself in a position that is difficult to complete it, I see myself being the next big thing in the Kirk family. I do believe that finding out whom you are related to can be the best thing that happened to you. Being able to look at that information on a bad day may make you happy. Knowing where you come from would boost your confidence and make you never doubt yourself ever again. Sometimes I think of it as the best thing ever, it makes me push myself harder and harder each day to get my goals in life, hoping that I would become a better version of myself every year. You should be able to define who you are and want to be, not something that somebody else said about you. Feel that you are able to conquer anything you want to do, feel that free. Be the best version of yourself that you can be, impress yourself and your family with your actions just like me.

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