TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Inspiration of my High School Career

I personally love story writing. I have always done something that involves a story of my own. Whether it be simple drawings or a fully fledged game making program, I have always enjoyed that kind of stuff. The quote that was mentioned is an exact example of my love of technology and story writing. My personal experience of this would have to have started when I wrote my screenplay back as a sophomore. It was then that I really got involved in writing stories and doing creative stuff. I have always been told that I have an incredibly wild imagination and that I’m very creative but I never had any real way of expressing it visually. So when it came time for my capstone, I thought it would be a good way to use my wild imagination and turn my screenplay into a literal movie or so. That did not turn out so well so I went with a better idea and one that was a but more easy and manageable as well as fun: I made a game.

Capstone would have to have been the funnest thing that I have done in the entirety of my school career as far as work goes. Sure there was a lot of typing and learning to be done but when I got to the gist of it, it was more like playing a video game which I love to do as well but it felt more like fun than work. Which why I feel that I can do more with technology because I had to learn the program from one, thirty minute video which only gave the basics. What was the result? A fifteen leveled functioning and playable game.

This sincerely inspired me to want to do stuff with technology and computers for when I get older and graduate. I hope to either do something domestically or maybe even help the military with tech if I learn to become that good. But I just want to do stuff with tech as it is. This project quite literally sparked a fire in my heart to wanna go tech savvy.

So that is my personal education experience. The thing is that I will be perfectly honest. I never know how to conclude these type of reflections so I’m probably gonna have to revise this but: I enjoyed this project but originally I was about ready to give up at first because things would not work and I was having so much trouble. I’m glad I stuck with it though because my panel loved the result but I still hope that I can do more in the world with tech.

Photo by: Connor Burns


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1 Comment

  • zouellette19
    May 17, 2019 at 1:46 pm 

    That’s really cool how you discovered a way to combine school work with something you’re passionate about. It’d be awesome if you continued this in your future. Have fun doing with your future and keep it up.

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