TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Illuminate Your Path

Fire can mean many things. A literal burning, love, destruction, passion… the symbolism for the combustion reaction of an object is plentiful. In schooling, as graduation grows closer, so does the need to find a career path. Finding something that lights a spark in your heart to illuminate the path ahead of you. Sometimes it comes from what you love, something you’re good at, something that will make you money. Although this is true for most, my fire was lit by something different.
Throughout my life I have always been surrounded by sickness. For the first four years of my life it was a whirl of my mother, father, and grandmother, as if the strings of life were pulling in every different direction. Dealing with all of the ailments in my family, I was always trying to help in every way I could. I couldn’t bare to see anyone in pain, so at a young age I already knew I wanted to go into a career where I could assist people so they wouldn’t have to deal with the ailments of life. At four I already knew I wanted to become a doctor.
Although doctor was a strong calling, when I turned five the chaos of life thickened with the birth of my brother which began to alter my beliefs. Born with a rare disease called Mastocytosis my brother’s beginning seemed to be my end. My mother had to stop working, I had to give up my friends and after school activities, and much more to ensure his safety. I began to hate the spring because I came to find out that that was when allergens were the worst which often caused my brother to suffer through debilitating symptoms or go into shock. Our house was often chaotic or covered in blood from killer nose bleeds that soaked towels, or trying to keep the house pristine to reduce chances of contact with triggers. Life became a prison, but is was also my biggest escape.
As I grew I learned more and more about my brother’s condition and why these awful things kept happening to him. The theory (at the time) of how to prevent his triggers, why he had the disease to begin with, and what medicines he should take, became a source of research because I wanted to ease his typical daily suffering. When he was first born there was very little information on his disease and how to prevent the chatastrophic results of shock. We were told time after time that “he’ll either live or he’ll die”, until we found our current doctor who although didn’t know much was willing to help as much as he could. My mother and I spent countless hours researching and documenting what we saw in his behaviors/triggers and ended up knowing the most about the disease for a majority of my brother’s 13 years of life. These actions actually ended up changing what I wanted to become for the future.
In the last two months of my senior year, I am currently accepted to Saint Joseph’s College for the major of biochemistry. This decision was largely based upon my love for helping others and the life lessons I’ve learned through schooling and the care going toward my brother. Instead of becoming a normal doctor I am going to school to become a biomedical scientist. This career is the act of studying diseases and trying to find cures and treatments to put a stop to the suffering of these awful ailments. My passion for fixing things, to trying to find a cure or stop hurt, spread like a wildfire until it became what I want to spend the rest of my life pursuing.

Photo by Dane Vandeputte on / CC BY-NC


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  • agreen19
    May 2, 2019 at 8:09 pm 

    I’m super glad that you took time to figure out what you wanted to do with your life, unlike myself who has gone through quite a bit of options but finally figured it out at the beginning of the senior year. I hope you know how much I am proud of you for making this choice to help others because I know how much helping others mean to you and by reading this story I understand that helping others is for sure what you want to do! I know that you’re going to do great things in life!!! Love ya girly

  • cburns19
    May 7, 2019 at 10:06 am 

    To be honest the story of you and your brother’s perseverance through this actually made me cry a bit when I read this. I’m hoping all is well with him and I wish you the best in life. I’m so inspired by this story of fighting to change the world for the better. It’s wonderful that there are people in the world like you willing to do whatever it takes to change the world for the better. Keep fighting the good fight.

    • spessant19
      May 15, 2019 at 10:12 pm 

      I loved reading this!! Hearing about how interested you are in helping other people and creating treatments for diseases is incredible. I am so sorry to hear about your brother and what both of you had to go through. Nobody should have to go through that! I’m glad that there are people like you that have a real passion to do this stuff. I wish you the best of luck in college and I know you will make it far in your career! Great Job!

  • owashburn19
    May 8, 2019 at 1:26 pm 

    I love this story! I really like how you dug down deeper than the surface to find and peruse a career that help others. That career is very important to the lives of many people and it is inspiring that you took your personal problems and tuned them into something positive!

  • cakers19
    May 13, 2019 at 9:00 am 

    Just… Wow. I can’t believe that your family has to go through so much pain. It’s amazing though to see your progression into the person you are now. You stayed strong and took care of who needed you the most and also managed to find a new passion along the way. Wanting to help those in need and care for others is such an admirable trait, I honestly wish that more people in the world were like you. People like you are what keeps the world together and I can’t wait to see what types of amazing things you’ll accomplish in due time.. The future shines brightly for you!!!

  • aredmun19
    May 16, 2019 at 9:27 am 

    A very emotional read. Reading certain parts of that really allows you as the reader to put yourself into the situation and makes you think a bit. It sparks the gears in your brain and quite honestly opened my eyes. I found it quite amazing to hear what you plan on doing in the future and I commend you, truly a good-hearted, good-souled, caring person.

  • asthilaire19
    May 24, 2019 at 9:17 am 

    Wow, I can’t imagine having a sibling that can just Up and disappear. I am glad that it strengthened the want to follow a medical career path. Medicine is really rewarding and I wish you luck in continuing your education farther than I ever will 🙂 I hope you have fun in med school 🙂

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