TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mom to the Save

Growing up not giving a care in the world when I was younger and trying to keep up with that when I grew older is something that my Mom and Dad did not like this. My mom always pushing me to be better than how she grew up is something she always makes sure happens. School is one of my mom’s favorite things when she was younger, and pushing me to always like and do well in school is a big thing for her.

Coming into my senior year of high school, my mom and I fought and still continue to fight a lot. Freshmen year, I thought like the middle school I could be able to just push my work off and still pass. Within the first month, this was not true. I figured this out the hard way by failing a bunch of my test and coming out of the first semester with a lower GPA, but not to bad I started to figure for college I had to start doing better. Coming out of my freshmen year with honor roll my second semester I thought I should start doing better with my academics.

Sophomore year, I knew that I had to step up my game. Make my mom happy is something I like to do. This year my first semester I pushed a little off but not nearly as bad as my freshmen year. I worked harder to bring up my GPA where I knew these next two years would fly. Almost finishing with high honors I made my mom happy. Coming into my second semester I did all of my work and finished off my year strong. My mom was proud.

Junior year, a very rough year. I pushed everything off, started to fail the test and did not care. I was giving up, I had no motivation anymore. Fighting with my mom about the school, and she told me how she loved school and this meant a lot. I finished my semester off without honor roll. Disappointed at myself now, I feel as though I failed my self and my mom. Going into the second semester I pushed myself and got my grades back up and finished it with honor roll and with a 3.5 GPA. I was getting myself together again for my final year.

My final year, the biggest ride. Senioritis is a real thing. I put things off and my mom again was not impressed. I pushed every day to make it so she was proud of me, but membean was the worst. I got it done for my first semester and got honor roll once again. I was proud of myself, making my mom and dad happy with one semester left of my high school career. I have one left, that’s it until I am on my own. My mom is pushing me so I can finish it, my biggest supporter.

My mom pushed me, in her history to be better than she is. She wants the best for me, she wants me to get a good paying job. She will always push me, she knows I can do it and I will have a good job. The history of my mom in school and loving me and wanting me to do my best.

Photo by photosavvy on / CC BY-ND


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