TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Finding who I am

The time that I decided it was time to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up everyone has these dreams of become an astronaut, race car driver, or the president over the United States of America. When I was a kid I used to race bikes with my best friend Trell what we would do is set up a race track have a little ceremony just like Nascar get on our bikes and race. We would bump and bang and then someone would win and we would act like we just won the Daytona 500.

There has been two things in life that have lit a fire underneath me and made me get what needed to be done, done. The first thing that was the “fire” was what I wanted to do after high school everyone has talked about going to college and becoming these big great things and well I wasn’t thinking about that. I was working in my family business at just ten years old. I would be taking apart brakes, changing over tires, running my grandfathers flatbed truck, and even answering the phone always making sure I said “Emerson’s garage” before we started talking. I have always done that, that is all I know but whenever I was working my favorite part was taking out the mig welder and welding up something. I finally found my love and it was welding I did not tell anyone how much I loved it but my dad, and grandfather knew, they would always call me over to need something welded up. I would always jump right to it and get it done. I decided that I should go to a college and become better and get more information about welding so I searched and searched and the only thing that I found that I wanted to do was the New England school of welding, I talked to my parents and they were all for it. I made sure that from sophomore year in high school until now that I told everyone what my plan was and it just so happens that my main sponsor on my racecar, Portland Glass talked to B.I.W. and they want to hire me and teach me all I need to know about welding while I am being paid. I am so thankful for all of that, I would love to go to college but I am not going to turn down an opportunity to do something I love.

The next thing that set the “fire” was something I stumbled on by accident and it is wildlife and fishing ever since I was young my dad and grandfather always brought me hunting and fishing. I loved going up north to go hunting or fishing for the native brook trout. Down behind my grandfather’s house there is a brook a I have always fished it and had lots of fun. One day I decided to build a minnow trap when I was about 11. I looked online and built one out of a bottle put an old rope on it and threw it in with dog food inside, I waited on day and came back when I pulled the trap I caught one or two minnows and 1 lobster looking thing I asked my dad and he said that it was a crayfish that’s when I fell in love I built over 10 traps and started catching them and measuring them and determining if they were male or female. I was also writing done how many I caught and the water temp I would eat some and put the rest back, I still do this as of today I have five traps and know a lot about that brook and just fish in general. I have thought about being a biologist but I struggle with school and don’t have a lot of money for college.

The fire that is in the outdoors and welding is like christmas morning knowing that I am going to go fishing or welding. The “fire” I have is like pouring some gas on a bonfire when you lite it, it starts out nice and slow and grows and grows until it gets to a point you just have one big bonfire consistently going. This is how both welding and my love for the outdoors started.

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  • meaton19
    May 9, 2019 at 9:38 pm 

    I’m happy to hear that you are going to take up the job down in Bath. I know a bunch of people who work down there and they love it. You did a good job bringing in the aspects of what made you who you are. The writing looked good and keep up the good work man.

  • ebarnett19
    May 10, 2019 at 10:30 am 

    It is awesome that you are already are so aware of what you want to do with your life in welding. It is also great that you are able get straight into working right out of high school, and able able to go straight into the work force. I would love to hear how you got the opportunity to go straight into the workforce and how this opportunity impacted you.

  • iaustin19
    May 10, 2019 at 10:50 am 

    Beyond proud of you for chasing your dreams Jon! I can’t wait to see everything that you accomplish in the future. Who knows, maybe someday BIW will pay you to further your education! You never know, some companies will do that. Keep chasing your dreams and don’t stop! I can’t wait to go fishing with you boys this summer.

  • kbenziger18
    May 23, 2019 at 12:21 pm 

    I relate to this a lot actually I thought about doing welding and I have been asked to work down at Bath I might take it I might not i also relate to the hunting and fishing part as well. My dad has Always taught me how to hunt and fish I know everything that i know today because of him.

  • cbeaule19
    May 23, 2019 at 12:29 pm 

    I too can relate to this poem because I too am I join a work trade this summer. I also can relate to this because I also fell in love with a trade. It is awesome that you are taking a great opportunity and really hope you have success.

  • jbrooks19
    May 23, 2019 at 1:08 pm 

    Proud of you buddy. Glad to hear everything is going and you’re following your dreams of what you really want to do welding is a great career to get into there’s always a job for you everywhere you go.

  • rcote19
    May 24, 2019 at 8:22 am 

    Best of luck to you. I’m so happy that you can follow the opportunity you got to be able to go to work every day doing what you love, that’s an awesome thing being able to call work fun and you love work. Good luck to you Jon, I hope you have a successful and fulfilling life.

  • lbailey19
    May 24, 2019 at 8:35 am 

    I reltate to the fact that you talk about more than one “fire”. I dont belive it to be so simple to say only one thing excited someone. There’s multiple factors to what causes someone to have that “fire. Its funny however that your race car happened to help you out with your job though.

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