TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Grandparents Past Love

Family History is one thing in my family we don’t know a lot about, so I’ve decided to talk about how my grandparents met. When I was 16 years old, my family had a party for somebody’s birthday. All I remember is all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents sitting around the table just talking about old times, and things that happened when they were younger. Talking about things they used to do was interesting because it gave us a chance to see what my family used to do in the old days. My grandmother stole my grandfather from another women.

I had asked my grandparents on how they met and at first she said, I was a waitress at a restaurant. Your Grandfather walked in with a women he was on a date with and sat down and I was their waitress. My grandfather said, “As soon as I saw her, I couldn’t pass her up. She was the most beautiful women i’d ever seen”, and that just made my heart melt. My grandfather from then on had not went on another date with my grandmother, and would ever night walk my grandmother home from work, holding hands and walking himself back home. My grandparents didn’t know each other for long, before the special connection was there.

They eventually went on a date, and my grandfather asked my grandmother if he could get her anything. My grandmother said, “I don’t want anything but your time, not your money”. And that was ALL over for the other women because what man could say no to that! Ever since then, they have always been together and have created the most incredible love anyone will ever see. They’ve always been the closest to each other, for over 50 years! Not only did they create a amazing family of 4 children, but alongside with 9 grandchildren with everlasting love upon each other, and always teaching us to stick together because in the end we are all each other have.

I cannot say anything but that I am so thankful for the inspiration my grandparents have given me since I was little. We are all so close because of them, and when I mean close I mean like our noses can touch we know so much about each other. I thank my grandparents for creating such a great mother, and teacher our family to love, be respectful and be despicable to anyone who comes across your way. This really helps me understand who I am because of how they grew us up to be. Everything I’ve every dreamed about was to have a family just like this and to have a family who will never give up on me. And they’ve taught me to always do the same, for my future children, with friends I’ve had or friendships that have fallen apart, to always stay positive.

I’m sure many of you can say that your family is close as well, but when I think about it, its like our whole family is one. I’m thankful for my family always staying together and having a better relationship and better suited life then most people. I’m more fortunate to have a family with people who care then others that don’t get an example from there family members. This helps me define myself as a strong, independent, respectful, and intricate women who i’m thankful to give all credit to my grandparents. This is the story of my grandfather stealing my grandmother from another women.

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