TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Crime Scene Investigation

At the beginning of the year in LRTC my classmates and I started a new course. Last year was general community policing, with some extra new information here and there. This year we are really going into depth of the different kind of jobs in Law Enforcement. For example we went with a corrections officer to take a look at the jail on April 26th. My classmates and I have also spoken to game wardens, psychologists, judges, and detectives etc. Mr. Reece our teacher, is trying to show us a wide range of opportunities we will have going into Law Enforcement. The one thing that really peaked my interest was the criminology unit, specifically a Crime Scene Investigator. Something about the way these people use their instincts of senses and then find clues to figure out what happened in a situation is fascinating. I want to be one of those people, I want to be a Crime Scene Investigator. Teachers are the ones who lead kids to where they need to be, I never believed that until it happened to me. The funny part was that right after this unit we were assigned a research paper. Mr. Reece wanted us to write it as if it was a college paper which made it a lot harder. This meant we had to write about something and figure out the new structure to go with it. The good part is that Mr. Reece gave us a choice of what we wanted to write about. We could write about anything that pertained to Law Enforcement, something that was so interesting to us that we wanted to do research on it and learn more then what our teacher has already taught us about the subject. Considering I became interested in Crime Scene Investigation it was only fitting that I picked that topic. I spent a lot of time on this paper to make sure it was perfect. First I picked a topic that a Crime Scene Investigator would have to go investigate. I picked a possible homicide. After that I found three different sources to make sure my research was thorough and true. Six pages later I had finally finished I believe to be the best paper of my life. After I had done this paper I had made efforts to continue my research about this topic. I did this by looking up different scenarios that Crime Scene Investigators would have to investigate and made my best guesses of how they would go about the situation. Then after I had my thought I would look up actual steps they would take to go about the situation I would choose. I had no guidance from my teachers, instead I just did this for me unlike school where the topics are kind of forced onto us. School topics to me are most of the time uninteresting and do not impact my life at all, meaning I will never really use what I have been taught. The quote I am asked to talk about to be true I would have never been able to talk about truthfully, until my LRTC class. The quote talks about filing a pail “Education is not the filling of a pail” (W.B Yeats) to me that is giving education but is very dull. That explains how most classes go for me, I learn something but and not intrigued. When it says education is the lighting of a fire “but rather the lighting of a fire” (W.B Yeats) that is how I feel with my LRTC class and mostly with learning about Crime Scene Investigation. The quote of education is a spark of fire tells how excited I get to learn about Law Enforcement. If you are not learning about something that is interesting to you is education even worth it? I would say absolutely, you need to learn smaller things that may seem trivial to be able to understand your own interests. People are interested in different things and they are all very complex. I have learned that education is not just teaching meaningless pieces of information, instead it is teaching us how to expand our ideas for when you get to your interests to be able to take them in fully and expand on them. I suppose I never understood that until this trivial and fascinating quote.

Photo by sfkjr on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • hgunn19
    May 20, 2019 at 7:55 am 

    It’s really cool that this course helped you find what you wanted to do. In most circumstances normal courses just have you shortly memorize material that doesn’t impact your life (As you said). This course not only taught you the normative learning you need to complete the course, it also showed you different paths you could take with the knowledge you were given. I wish I had had something like this because finding exactly what I wanted to major in was a strife to get to where I wanted.

  • krobichaud19
    May 22, 2019 at 10:44 am 

    It’s amazing how much you have grown by taking that LRTC class, I remember when you were first given the opportunity and almost declined the offer. I can’t even imagine where you would be today with out that class, you put so much time and effort into it and truly love what you get to experience there on a daily basis. Because you are so inspired by what you get to experience there I know you will always be eager to tackle any new experience that comes your way as you grow more into that field. It is always important to find something you love and make that apart of your daily life any way possible, surround yourself with what you love and you will be a happier person overall.

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