TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Divorce and Traditions

Unlike other people, I do not have any interesting family history that I can think of that made me change my beliefs but I have grown up with divorced parents, an older brother a step-mom and eventually gained a “step”-dad and “step”-siblings

When I was 2 and my brother was 4, my parents got a divorce.  My mom got sole custody, but we were able to see our dad on the weekends and on vacations, however as we got older and got busier we saw less and less of him, well more me than Dylan but that is  because he had his license and he was never really busy, plus he is a lot closer to our dad than I am. I still have relationship with him and I know I am lucky enough to have one because not a lot of other kids get that chance.  Me and my mom on the other hand are very close. She was the only mom trying to do everything for us, made sure we had food on the table, clothes on out backs, a roof over our head and still made sure that we could do our extra activities and she would drive us to those to.  It was like she had super speed, I still do not know how she did it sometimes.

Now, were gonna fast forward a few years because that’s when my mom started dating Dan.  We already know Dan because Dylan did boy scouts and so did Dan’s two sons. A while later, we started going over to Dan’s for supper whenever we could and eventually we moved in and now he was also helping my mom with driving us around and stuff like that.  Now, Dan is not really my “step”-dad, he is my mom’s boyfriend but I still call him step-dad because it is easier to explain to people or have them understand the situation clearly. SInce meeting Dan, I have gained more siblings because of his kids, I even have the cutest little niece named Olivia.  She is so funny and has grown so much in the past five or six years that I have known her, it is crazy.

I may not have interesting family history but I do have some family tradition or rituals that happen all the time.  One of those traditions was going to florida for a a week or two to visit my gram. I will never get the feeling of being on plane, finally getting to florida, seeing my gram there waiting for us and basically tackling her with a hug out of mind or out of memories.  Throughout all my trips, I have been able to go to Disney, Sea World, Busch Gardens, Weeki Wachee Spring, and went to so many different beaches. Out of all them, my favorite would probably have to be Disney because, well it’s Disney. The real reason I actually, loved go to Disney is because of the different parks but, also because there was one times we (Me, Dylan, my Mom and Gram) were there and Molly and her family was also there so not only did I have one of my best friends with me, I have made memories with her and my family as well.  The most interesting one was Weeki Wachee Springs because they had (and i’m not kidding) real life mermaids!!! I mean they weren’t actually mermaids but the way they perform a thirty to forty show underwater and only have a breathing tube for air, like come one, they are practically mermaids. The next two things aren’t really traditions, there more on the ritual side of things. One of them is always eating dinner with my family at night and the other ones are family visits. Family dinners used be with my mom, Dan, Dylan, Zach and I but, as time went by it changed to only being my mom, Dan and I because they ended up moving out or were working and now I barely have time to have dinner with them because I’m either at dance or I’m working.  When say family visits, I’m talking about when my “step”-sister (Dan’s daughter), will come up on either saturday night or sunday morning (depending what they have going on) to visit, pick up Olivia from her Dads and possibly staying for dinner. The other times that we have had family visits is when we go up to Biddeford (usually on a Sunday or Saturday) and will have dinner and catch up.

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  • jcollins19
    May 15, 2019 at 10:59 am 

    I can relate to your situation as I grew up with separated parents as well. Although I get to see my dad more often than you do I can still relate to the struggle of growing apart from him. I too have a closer relationship with my mom especially since recently she got divorced from her husband and we moved out on our own. Thanks for writing such a relatable story.

  • kmulherin19
    May 20, 2019 at 6:44 pm 

    I relate to this a lot but my parents got a divorce around the end of my freshman year. It sucks because you go used to seeing your dad everyday, to seeing them whenever there is a event or set plans to see each other. In my case I was the same as you, closer to my mom then my dad because many ups and downs. It makes you realize that you should be glad you have him in your life while you had them, and still make the best to having a relationship with him. Don’t ever let go of the things you can still hold on too.

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