TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Like Wildfire

As poet W.B Yeats quotes “Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire.” There as been many moments in my life where this fire was lit inside of me. As a person I love to learn new things, and put myself outside of my comfort zone. Especially under the topics dealing with sports, English, and certain science classes. Although, sports has been the one thing that has spread through me like wildfire. Growing up my life was completely consumed through competition and athletics. From a very young age I fell in love with the sport of softball, and it came so naturally for me. I loved the feeling of being outdoors, swinging a bat, and being covered in dirt by the end of it. Before coming to public school, I attended a private school that did not have many other sports. The only sport I knew growing up at the time was softball.

It wasn’t until my 7th grade year that I began playing basketball. All my other friends played, and I was so curious and determined to the play the sport. Unfortunately, basketball did not come as easily to me to as softball did. It required a lot of quickness, coordination, and strength. Which at the time I did not have a lot of. Watching my friends play, it really kept my interest, and all I wanted to do was get better. From the first tryout on the middle school team, I knew I would have to put in a lot of extra work in order to make the team. I found myself constantly downstairs dribbling the basketball, or outside in the summer; for hours-on-end shooting left handed layups– or swishing every foul shot I took. It was from that day that the match of basketball ignited inside of me. Each and every day I wanted to learn a different move in order to get by a player. A different way to hold my seal on a box out. A different way to condition myself in order to be the best player I could be.

Learning the basics took some time, but without the fundamentals I would have nothing to go by. As I continued my basketball career in high school, it was a whole new atmosphere. My freshman year, I felt like a kid playing against professionals. It was intimidating. I was playing with girls that were much stronger, bigger, and faster than me. While I had every chance to crack under the pressure I decided to rise above it. I was pushed completely outside of my comfort zone, and learned so much more about the game. One of the greatest things about basketball is that it is not all physicality. There’s a lot of knowledge that goes into the sport of basketball. You have to know when to take the shot, how to make that pass, and always thinking one step ahead of your opponent. It a game focus where you need to pay attention, and see what your opponent is comfortable with; that way you know how to take advantage of their weak spots.

I continued teaching myself by putting myself in tough competition. I had played on two elite basketball teams through my freshman and junior year of high school. I absorbed knowledge through the athletes I played with, as well as the coaches I played for. In all honesty, through all the work and experience it was never easy. There was a point in my life where I felt at my lowest point, and almost completely gave up on the sport itself. Although, during this moment I always kept in mind the little girl whose eyes widen when making her first shot. I remembered the little girl’s smile when making an incredible steal. I remember the feeling the girl had when celebrating with her teammates on an incredible win against their rivals. It was that spark that always kept me playing for that little girl, for myself. While I have learned so much about the game of basketball, basketball has taught me so much about myself. It’s the sport I could never repay for everything it has given me.

After high school I am continuing my career in basketball. I have already met so many fantastic players, and I am beyond excited to play for the incredible coaching staff. Again, I stand in the same position; a different ball game with some intimidation. The game will be more advanced, but I will remain eager and excited to see what I will learn through this experience. As I stated before sports has always ignited me when it comes to learning, but basketball to me has been like a wildfire within me. It’s the one passion that you could never get under control or contain.

Photo by Chips Fire on / CC BY


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  • jwalker19
    May 15, 2019 at 12:24 pm 

    Wonderful story, I really liked how you found the inspiration to continue playing with the sport, with sheer dedication, persistence, and the memory of when you were just a kid. Bringing in the bits of backstory help to create relatability and develop the narrative and character. (Which is you.) All in all the essay is really well written, and an interesting read.

    • nmoring19
      May 16, 2019 at 11:25 am 

      I would have to agree that the dedication and persistence that the author had is quite inspirational. I was also impressed that the author brought this topic to sports. When I was thinking about how to write in response to this prompt, I had not thought about talking about sports and all the things we learn through them. I really enjoyed the writing style and really enjoyed this piece!

  • ewhisenant19
    May 17, 2019 at 11:58 am 

    This was really interesting to read and well written! It obvious your writing about something you feel passionate about and truly are amazing at!

  • ewhisenant19
    May 17, 2019 at 12:00 pm 

    This was really interesting to read and well written! It obvious your writing about something you feel passionate about and truly are amazing at! I hope your career with basket ball goes good and everything works out!

  • ewhisenant19
    May 17, 2019 at 12:01 pm 

    This was really fun to read and well written! It obvious your writing about something you feel passionate about and truly are amazing at! I hope your career with basket ball goes good and everything works out!

  • jemerson19
    May 20, 2019 at 8:00 am 

    This is what I had when getting into racing I was always pushing harder and harder until I got where I am now, and for after school instead of going to to college I am going straight into work at B.I.W

  • krobichaud19
    May 22, 2019 at 11:43 am 

    I had also talked about how I learned a lot of inspirational things through sports and what it had taught me to be a part of a team, although I started at a much younger age. I have always been driven to learn new things in the sports I play and for some reason like to play against those who are more advanced than me, I look up to them like you and want to learn everything they know. I can really relate to you in this post with how much you push yourself to become something better, and absorb new techniques, always growing and how this has translated into something you will be doing in your future.

  • rcote19
    May 24, 2019 at 8:16 am 

    this is a good story that people should read learning that if you are interested in somthing or have a goal it can be met, it may not be easy and it can give you lots of douts but learning that hard work does pay of.

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