TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mia Famiglia

As a young kid, I didn’t know much about my life. I knew I had a dad and a mom. I knew what Family was, I knew there were grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. But I didn’t know the history of these things. I didn’t know my family’s history much other than the basics. Such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.

When I was a young teenager, my mom decided to show me her book of a family tree that she has been trying to piece together. Come to find out, my dad and his sister were adopted and I had no idea. My dad didn’t care to find out what his history was and I feel a good part of that is because he was so angry at himself, his biological parents, and everything for being given up for adoption. Anyways, let me get back on track with the history of my family.

Finding out that you only know half of your history was rough growing up. Only being able to really know what type of heritage you have is quite honestly really depressing. I grew up knowing my mom’s side of the family really well, but all that I knew from my dad’s side are his adoptive parents and his adoptive sister. My ancestry on my mom’s side is really cool. I found out that I come from the Micmac Native American tribe. Actually, not that far back too, my great grandmother was the chief’s daughter.

Family history to me is where we came from, why we are here and what each person’s purpose is. Not knowing my family history for so long actually affected my outlook on my family. Since I still do not know the other half of my family and what they’re like. I feel that it has affected my outlook on them and who I really am. There are still questions that I still don’t have answers to and I doubt that’ll I will ever get those answers. I do, however, appreciate the fact that my grandparents adopted my father. Without him, I would not be born and thus leaving no one to carry on with the family history. My goal is to find my father’s side of the family in order to complete my history.

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  • hgunn19
    May 20, 2019 at 7:48 am 

    I get the struggles of only knowing half of your family. As my sister is to my mother, every generation on my mother’s side had a late in life kid. My mom’s brother is over 20 years older than her with her closest sibling being a 12 year difference. This strained the relationship between them so we only see them intermittently at family parties. On my father’s side my grandfather was adopted and like your story doesn’t care to know about his lineage. My father was also the youngest of his family with a different father than the rest. Not really being accepted by his family due to this we aren’t close to anyone but my immediate grandfather and grandmother. I actually just met my uncle who went missing for 15 years and recently showed up at my grandmother’s doorstep.

  • bglover19
    May 28, 2019 at 11:57 am 

    I can relate to this because I too don’t really know half my family. I like how you wrote this and you were saying how not knowing half your family is rough. It is rough and I completely know how you feel. I’m glad you set a goal to try and find your fathers side of the family to complete your family tree. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • jhenderson19
    May 29, 2019 at 12:26 pm 

    Family is people who will always be a part of your life. An I agree if I didn’t know half of my family my outlook on life wouldn’t be the same as it is today. Finding a way to figure out the rest of your family would be a big step into know what you are, and who others once were in your family. Thank you for sharing this with us. Helps show us just what you maybe going through.

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