TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Missed Opportunities

High School has not always been easy; I missed out many opportunities in high school because my freshman year I attended Lewiston High School. Not that I regret going, but it took me awhile to adapt to the school and the teaching style. It took me months to figure my way around the school. I am not going to lie, I was late to my first period class on White Days more than once, I went to the wrong floor looking for my Spanish class to only find that I need to be in the first floor instead of the second. Telling the teacher why I was late was embarrassing; only because the ‘new kid’ couldn’t find her way to class.

My freshman year at Lewiston High School was probably the worst year for me, my grades dropped dramatically, pushing me to the limit to try and achieve the grade I wanted, I spent countless hours after school trying to make up for the grades I was not happy with. Making friends was not always the easiest to do, because there were so many kids at Lewiston than Oak hill making it so that being an outsider was difficult when it came to group projects or even class discussions. I often couldn’t find the courage to speak up or even be a part of anything happening in class.

My Sophomore year I came back to Oak Hill High School. I needed to remake all new friends because the ones I did know, were not exactly ‘true’ friends if you know what I mean. My sophomore year I had a couple classes that were freshman classes all because they were graduating credits. But my Sophomore year was supposed to be the only year that I would have had to take a freshman class… or so I thought. Junior year was easy, senior year came and I got the news no senior wants to hear… “I’m sorry but you need to take a freshman health class because you didn’t take health at Lewiston”. No senior wants to take a class with freshmen because we all know the thought that is running through their heads “oh she failed this class as a freshman and has to make it up” but in this case it’s not, so luckily I was able to take it independently.

As I said above I missed out on opportunities. I missed out on classes that I could have taken if I had just stayed in Oak Hill; I wouldn’t have had to retake credits that were not counted for but knowing I took it. I like to imagine what my life could have been like if I stayed at Oak Hill. How would my senior year look if I didn’t actually have to take all new classes the past couple years? I missed out on a couple actual High School experiences, like school dances, or even going to after school games with friends. I missed out on these opportunities because I didn’t have any friends to attend any of this stuff with.

As someone who has missed out on many opportunities in high school I can say that in the long run I don’t regret any choices that I made. Because in the end everything eventually fell into place where they should have, and I made a best friend who has stuck by my side since the day I met her, and she’s included me into everything that was happening. In life everything happens for a reason, and regardless of the things I experienced, good or bad, they have shaped me into the person I am today.

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  • mkoch19
    May 21, 2019 at 11:22 pm 

    You are an amazing person. You made good choices, which is honestly not the boat that i have been in. Im extremely proud of you. you have stayed focused and kept on pushing. I hope you continue to grow and learn more.

  • ewhisenant19
    May 22, 2019 at 9:45 am 

    You were my first friend when I moved to the RSU4 district. I’m glad you came back to oak hill when you did, to me that was a great choice! Your amazing

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