TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

November 3rd, 1927

My great, great grandfather Theodore Brissette was born in 1898 in Canada. Years later he moved to Maine and met Bernadette Deblois who he would end up marrying. Together Theodore and Bernadette had 7 children. One of which passed away at the age of seven, and another at eight years old. My grandfather was born in Lewiston on November 3rd, 1927. He and his remaining five siblings along with his parents grew up on Railroad alley which at the time was a very poor part of town.

They had little money, and all children grew up working to bring in an extra source of income. My grandfather and his siblings attended the Lewiston public schools. He used to share stories that I can still hear his voice telling. I can still remember his sly smile when he would tell me about all of the “girlfriends” he had. Along with how they used to put pennies on his desk to try to catch his attention. According to him, he was quite the ladies man while in school. He claimed during school he always had at least two – three girlfriends at one time. I don’t believe that though. That does not seem like his personality had all. He was a faithful man, and loved his wife of sixty-two years more than anything. If she had not passed back in 2010, I think he could have lived for longer than he did.

During World War II my grandfather enlisted and served our country in the United States Navy. Outside of the Navy he worked in shoe manufacturing, and then as a sign fabricator before eventually retiring. Outside of work, he loved the outdoors. Years before he passed he used to go fishing every single day, even throughout his eighties. He fished, and hunted up until he could no longer

Eventually along the line he met my great grandmother Irene, and together they had six children. When Joseph passed on March 2, 2017, he left behind his six children, thirteen grandchildren, eighteen great grandchildren, and one great great grandchild. He also left behind his patriotism, his hard working attitude, and his many other admirable traits that have been passed down through the generations.

For the longest time I was thinking about following in his footsteps and joining the navy straight after high school. Every time I look at the pictures we have of him I think about it more and more. This sense of pride and patriotism was passed onto his son Ted, who passed that pride onto his children as well. That whole side of the family is in the Air Force. I think I will follow in his footsteps in serving, just not in the same way. I plan to do ROTC in college, and be commissioned as an officer upon graduation. I have Pepere Joe to thank for not only my patriotism, but also for indirectly shaping me into the individual I am today.

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  • meaton19
    May 21, 2019 at 9:20 pm 

    Good job writing this man. Both of my grandfathers were in the military one was in the Navy and the other was a Marine. That generation was definitely some real men. Go after your dreams and become that Officer that you want to be.

  • cbeaule19
    May 23, 2019 at 1:09 pm 

    This is a very interesting story and a story that is very easy to relate too. My family to moved from Canada to Maine, my grandfather did serve to in the military as well. This is a great story that you went into great depth in.

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