TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

5 Things: Goodbye Oak Hill

To the class of 2019. Here we are, in the last moments of being together. We have shared some of the best and worst times together and created lifelong memories in these last four years, and while I am more than excited to see what the world has to offer us beyond the walls of Oak Hill I will admit… my teachers, my friends, and my time here will be deeply missed. I have learned a lot over my four years at Oak Hill High School, and I  do apologize Mrs. Chick but this speech does not contain the life long lessons Hamlet has taught me. I have created a list of 5 things. 5 things high school has taught me that have nothing to do with Algebra or the periodic table, and more to do with our lives beyond the classroom.

Number 1: Always Adventure. There is so much this world has to offer us if we only step outside and see it. Whether this means literally stepping outside, climbing mountains, and exploring new places. Or stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new; paint a picture, go on the roller coaster, ask him out! There is a big and beautiful world full of opportunities beyond the screen of your Iphone. I encourage you to seek it.

Number 2: Eat the ice cream. I mean this literally. Stop worrying about the calories and eat it. Okay, maybe not every day… maybe every other day. My point is our best memories are made when we step outside of the bubble we have created for ourselves. Order the large at Fielders Choice, if you don’t finish it you probably had a good laugh, and if you do.. you’ve got a stomach ache and something to be really proud of. Life is too short and too precious to pass up what makes you happy.

Number 3: Be proud of who you are. Most often the people who have greatly impacted the world are those who share their beliefs without shame or fear of the unknown. I know, that each and every one of you here is capable of extraordinary things, that is if you embrace who you are and what you believe in and share it with others. I bet there is not one graduating senior sitting in this room that does not know that I am Jesus freak. I can also assume that very few of you know that there are few souls sitting amongst you that have been changed because I was not afraid to share my beliefs with them.  I am passionate, and forward about my faith. I tell people I love them and they are loved by others. We are all unique in our own ways, your beliefs may be very different than mine, but I hope that If you haven’t already, you’ll find something you are passionate about and tell others about it, flaunt your kindness, be who you are. You never know who needs to hear your truth.

Number 4: Count it all joy. This short saying has carried me through some of the deepest pain and trials of my life thus far. The ability to take on life with an optimistic point of view at all times has changed the way I treat both others and myself.  This motto, while being incredible and opening up so many doors in my life has put me to the test. I am often times put into situations that I would rather not label joyful, which I am sure you can relate to. Experiencing great loss, depression, anxiety, the epitome of self  hate. It takes a lot of strength and courage to find happiness in times such as these. But searching for the joy, even a tiny spec of it, in times of trouble results in a flicker of hope, and eventually, a glimmer of positivity in the midst of the darkness. When facing the hardships of our lives to come I encourage you to count it all joy, and if you ever need a little extra, you can call me.

Finally, number 5: Love fiercely. Love others in ways they may not be able to understand, love them even when they hate you. Love everyone. In our lifetimes I am positive we will be faced with those who we would rather not love, in fact I am sure that we have all experienced this feeling more than once throughout our four years of high school.  But they have a story just like you, they have a place in this world, and they deserved to be loved just as much as you do. Our differences do not define how worthy we are of being loved. I am the person I am today because of the people who have loved me so deeply; my family, my friends, community members, teachers who have gone above and beyond to love me not only when I have reached the mountaintop, but also when I am in the deepest of valleys. Be this person for someone else, prove to them they deserve to be loved. Love without fear of judgment, love without judging others. This is so important in a world that is filled with so much hate.

Oak Hill High School class of 2019 this is it. After these last few days together we will go our separate ways and you will start piecing together a life of your own. We will be faced with challenges much greater than ceiling tiles or movie trailers, and we will decide who will be our life long friends, and who we will chose to forget. There is so much more this life has to offer us than what we have been confined to through elementary, middle, and high school. Now we are going into the world, we are seeing new things, we’re opened up to new opportunities and I encourage you to not only step forward but jump into this big beautiful world full of opportunities and go for it. You are strong, powerful people who I have no doubt can stomp the stereotypes into the ground, spread the words of love and peace, and make a change. My friends, I ask that as you start building a life of your own you remember these days together, learn from your mistakes, love without limits, and cherish every moment. After all, it only gets better from here.  

Photo by JMaz Photo on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • m.stgermain19
    May 23, 2019 at 8:49 am 

    You are a very talented writer Olivia. I am very proud of all you have accomplished throughout your time at OHHS, I hope we will still share laughs, and adventure like we used to. You have changed so much in the last four years, and I am so proud of the young woman you have become. Whatever you do with this amazing life, always conquer with your strong head held high!

  • adeslauriers19
    May 23, 2019 at 9:50 am 

    That. That was POWERFUL and so motivational!!! That was so amazing I am at a loss for words. The different comparisons you used and all the symbols just made that absolutely amazing. The mix of seriousness and funny was very memorable. That was a very very very well written speech.

  • jbrooks19
    May 23, 2019 at 1:02 pm 

    This is very well said Olivia and always stick to those things even when High School is over those are the things that make you unique and joyful. I’ve always known you to be a good person and I agree with everything you said being I think you are strong-minded.

  • lpinard19
    May 23, 2019 at 1:23 pm 

    It’s nice that you have give a list and spaced it out. I wish that I could have written more.

  • anadeau19
    May 24, 2019 at 9:24 am 

    I am beyond proud to read this speech! This was written very well ,and your presentation was fantastic. knowing you over the span of four years you have grown into a great person. I remember the first time you used you phrase “Count at all joy” from then it has had an impact on me. Thanks to you, I look for the joy in every single day whether the day is perfect or is absolutely terrible. You are a true role model, and I know you will do big things after high school, I cant wait to see! Again, great job on your speech. Your use of symbols and caparisons made it very motivational and able to relate to .

  • cburns19
    May 24, 2019 at 10:45 am 

    Very well said. I’m glad to know that there are positive people like you going out into the world. People like you make the world a better place. Keep up the great work.

  • smoring19
    May 24, 2019 at 1:46 pm 

    I love your speech and how you presented it, great lessons and things to work on in the future. Its so powerful and motivational, I love it- keep being you .

  • ecurtis19
    May 28, 2019 at 11:47 am 

    This was so incredibly powerful, I wish I could have been there when you presented this. I love that you are always so positive throughout this. I am so excited to being going to school with you next year at Gordon!!

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