TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Avoiding Things

To class of 2019, it’s that time of the year, we are graduating! We all are excited about the day and most of you are waiting for this day to be over. I don’t want to be doing this either, but hang in there.

Oak Hill High School, home of the Raiders, or as I like to call our mascot, a trash panda. I didn’t expect high school to be like this, I watched shows and movies about high schools and it was nothing like this. The cafe was so much smaller and I don’t even eat in it. People don’t randomly break into song and dance. And there is no magic I know I was disappointed too. I mean who wouldn’t want to learn magic, it would make life so much easier.

One thing I wasn’t prepared for was all the work. Just like most of you I waited to do the stuff last minute or past due. I would watch movies and shows, look up memes, draw, etc. I would do anything to not do homework and essays.  

It was sophomore year, and of course I decided to take AP World History, because why not. It was the last day of my sophomore year and dumb me decided to put things off, all I had was three essays for Mr. Maher to do. I was in his classroom, what is now Ms. Gray’s room, sitting down stressing out at my laptop typing away. Hoping just hoping to pass the first time, otherwise summer school for me and disappointed parents. I literally waited for the last minute to do it and turned it in right at the bell. I remember I was freaking out, which delayed me from doing it even more. It was a very bad idea by the way. Mr. Maher must have been stressed out.

Despite how he may have felt, he didn’t feel bad making me do paper mache rocks, which were big as a small trash can, for the musical, so. That being said It took a hour just to get the base paper of it because we did it on chicken wire, not the best idea. The things you do for tech, It’s a full time commitment, so  junior year I became part of the actors instead. That also had commitment, but not much labor just more memorization. So, I didn’t feel as bad for him. Even for clubs or after school activities you still have to put in the effort.

Anyway, apparently I didn’t learn my lesson because I did it the next year. But this time it was for English. Luckily it wasn’t as bad, but still a close call. So, I decided to take AP English junior year; I meant it help me in writing but I hated the AP test (which I failed miserably). So it was the end of the first semester, the last week. It was just me and Susan with Mr. Luchini , that being said he was sitting around grading and joking around like a gnome he is. And I had three essays to do for him, but it was just little fixes, three is a lucky number I guess. So I was sitting around joking with him while I should have been doing the work but that’s a whole other story. It was first period I finally got it done about 40 min before the end of the period. I was so relieved, it was as if someone took off a bag full of bricks off of my shoulder. I had the rest of the day off, it was great. I played games, talked with friends and teachers. I didn’t have a care in the world.

What this helped me understand is do not procrastinate. I regretted it big time. You don’t want the stress that comes with it. The high heart rate, stress eating, feeling of dread, body shaking, headaches, and whatever else that comes with it. Trust me it sucks especially when you’re in a class with tons of other people talking and enjoying themselves because they did their work. Which is very distracting, I mean it’s so annoying when I’m studying and all I hear is gossiping especially when I hear it over my music. Anyway, don’t be like me, don’t procrastinate especially this close to the end of the year or in your future wherever you end up. I know I plan on being more organized and up to date with assignments, but who knows what will happens knowing me.   

Photo by hang_in_there on / CC BY


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