TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Everlasting Tradition

Family traditions do not happen in every family so make the most out of what you have for family and their traditions.Family traditions I have with my family vary depending on the family that is going to be presented at hand. For example, family traditions with my parents and little sister consist of birthday tradition and Easter tradition, and the biggest most important is Christmas tradition.

The family birthday tradition is when it becomes someone’s birthday within the family. Whoever’s birthday, it goes and picks where they want to go and eat for dinner after payday. We usually pick between Texas Roadhouse or the Olive Garden for dinner. After dinner night we would pick a certain type of party we would want to have. My sister this year wanted to go bowling for her birthday party. So we all went to Spare Time for bowling and brought my dads brothers family because it has my two smaller cousins around the same age of my sister. My birthday party was a little more special to me and what I do. On my birthday cause that’s when I had my party was to play Xbox with my dad. We played about three games of zombies with my father which took overall about 4 hours to play and we turned it into a competition on who is the better player. My dad also has my headshots because of the guns he uses, but we are usually racing for kill in all four hours of playing we were within 100 kills of each other and at times within 10 kills of each other and it sometimes came down to the wire of the game.

The Easter traditions at home and at my uncles are pretty similar. When at home with my family, my parents always buy my sister and I homemade gift baskets. Within the gift basket are a variety of different items. The first item is always a stuffed animal of some sorts that involves Easter. The second item is two types of our favorite candy; mine is usually Skittles and Reese’s peanut butter cups. My sister is usually M&M’s and Hershey’s kisses. Then we both get three different kinds of fishing lures and the chocolate bunnies that nobody ever seems to eat. The other part of the family tradition is that the living room and kitchen is filled with nothing but the little chocolate eggs. The chocolate egg hiding spots completely vary depending on who is looking for them. I get the challenging hiding spots my sister can’t see or reach above her or I get the remanding eggs she can’t find within the hiding spots. However in the end I give her all the eggs I have found cause I’ve been doing it for so long I stopped caring about who gets what or how much of a certain amount. Easter at my uncle’s is always interesting, it’s my dad’s side of the family and he has a brother and a sister. His brother lives in Wales so the next two over and his sister lives in Sanford so it’s a long trip to drive to Wales. So at Easter on my dad’s side of the family it consist of my uncle, my aunt and my grandparents, in total there are 13 people at Easter. We usually have mashed potatoes, corn, peas, ham, eggs, and rolls as dinner while we are there. We have another tradition where we always have our grandfather cut the ham when it comes time. Then after we have all ate everything we could have our stomachs hold for dessert. After everyone is done eating a grown-up of some sorts would go downstairs and hide usually two to three bags of chocolate eggs within the small downstairs living room they have. It is super easy to find all the eggs that are hiding within that room, but it’s still fun for my little cousins and sister to look for and find. After we count the amount of eggs in total and distribute evenly to each kid the correct amount so they do not complain who got more in the end.

The family tradition on my mom’s side of the family is during the Christmas time where my grandmother would wrap a special box called the hurmon box that always contained clothes within the box and the box has yet to be ripped apart or destroyed so we continue the tradition to this day. I think if the current box ever gets destroyed or misplaced we will try to replace it to keep it alive the tradition of the family and to pass it down from generation to generation.Just because one tradition can die does not mean another one can not be born.

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  • msmith19
    May 22, 2019 at 12:49 pm 

    I think that it is cool that you made the video game competition with your dad because I have competitions with my dad every Superbowl. And it’s nice you don’t steal the Easter eggs from your sister.

  • tlafata19
    May 23, 2019 at 9:27 am 

    I always think its cool to hear about different families and their traditions, especially yours considering how long I’ve known you without knowing much of this. But aside from that I feel like that even If I didn’t know you as well as I did, I could still relate to part of this because of the way it was written, good job man

  • bfoxe19
    May 23, 2019 at 1:24 pm 

    My family has a similar tradition as your as whenever someone has a birthday they can pick a restaurant that they want to eat at and usually the whole family comes unless someone cant make it.

  • ocavanagh19
    May 23, 2019 at 5:02 pm 

    Thats really nice that you and your family have traditions that you all enjoy doing together. It is also cool that you have a lot of your family over at Easter. My family and I do something similar when we all come together. I am glad you have a good time during your traditions.

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