TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Four Years in Minutes

Welcome to my life, where we fight to figure out who we are and where we want to be. High school is not what I thought it was going to be, from not doing homework to having a bunch of friends and always making everyone else happy. This is not what actually happened during my time of high school.

Jumping into the freshmen the year of struggles. Coming into something new was something I thought I was ready for, but in reality I wasn’t. I did not do any homework thinking that I would get through okay, this was not true. I thought friends were more important and the reputation of how people looked at me was the biggest thing in high school. This was not true, I went home to find my mom not proud of my grades and this is when things started to change. I played soccer, so I had to keep my grades up. I played jv but for a while I was out due to a injury. Unlike most of the girls in my grade, being the star girls of my team I was not. This was something I struggled with, I worked a lot and still became unnoticed. Skipping into the winter, the end of the semester is coming. I finished with okay grades, not the best, but when I saw my gpa I knew something had to change. I worked more towards my grades, tried to manage friends and by the end of the year I finally got my grades up and still managed my friends.

Going into my sophomore year, I knew I had to keep my grades up and get it done. I still had all of the same friends but this year nothing interesting happened. The sport was the same, classes were the same and everything was just the stress-free life I wanted to have.

Junior year, the rough year. In the beginning, I got hurt in the preseason. This was a downfall, but during the season, something worse happened. My dad was taken into the hospital, when I got there his heart rate was 36 and dropping. I had the doctor look at me and tell my dad was dying, and to tell him I loved him, but they were going to try their best. Tears streaming down my eyes, I told my dad I loved him and I would see him later. He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks, my grades have dropped and I would not show up to school much. I finished my first semester, and the next semester was not going to be easy. I struggled in classes, but I finally buckled down and got the work done. This was the end of my Junior year and I was nervous for my Senior.

The senior year finally here, the year I have been waiting for the past three. This year has been a struggle. I have not been doing my work I should be doing, I had a bunch of missing and did not care the way I should have. I quit soccer, due to not really having people to talk to or have friends. I separated myself from everyone and focused on myself. As I am almost done, coming to an end I found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I have most of my life figured out, now to just pursue what I have always wished to do, and show everyone that I am going to be okay. This is it, this is the end. The start of a new beginning, thank you.

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