TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Go out of your comfort zone

   Hello, class of 2019, English 4 white two. I’m going to be talking to you about an important lesson I’ve learned in life that all of us could use in the future. That lesson, don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. I first experienced this feeling when I first started playing football in 6th grade. I really loved soccer and I was a pretty good goalie/ defensive player. The thing is I was getting bullied from about 4th grade to 6th. It got to the point where I was afraid to come to school if you all can remember Seth Sinclair well he was the man. Every day at school he would push me around, call me a little girl, always embarrass me in front of everybody, he was the football stud, long blond wavy hair and I was a fat soccer goalie with big honking sports glasses. So  I thought of this idea and it was the only way I could get back at him the right way, and it was to play football. So I bit the bullet and signed up for the football team. First practice come around, coach had to help me strap my pads on, he had to help me strap up my helmet, and I just felt so uncomfortable, nobody knew who I was on the team they only looked at me as the kid who doesn’t talk much, gets pushed around in school, nerdy ext. But whatever I was on a mission so practice starts we go through warm-ups then the first drill comes around, the Last Man Standing. One person starts in the middle and we had to run from one side of the field to the other without being takled till there’s one man left standing, Seth was in the middle, he was the team captain obviously. So the whistle blows and of course, he just had to come for me first, I’ll just say he made me realize what it meant when people say they saw stars, that hurt so bad. It made me think wow why in the frick am I doing this. I definitely was not in my comfort zone, for weeks I looked like a lost puppy on that field, in so much pain, my whole body is sore but I knew why I was doing it, I just had to get back at Seth. I knew I had to do something so I started working out. Got a nice little bench some dumbbells doing push ups sit ups with the motivation to get bigger and stronger so I could finally make Seth my you know what. I felt improvements over time then one practice we played the last man standing, I was in the middle this time coach wanted to see what I could do. The whistle blew and I knew who I was going for, I didn’t care if he laid me out I didn’t care if I got hurt but I was gonna give it my all. And I hit him picked him up drove him back 10 yards and like jumped and slammed him into the dirt it felt so amazing, what was an even better feeling is he got up and looked at me and said wow Reid nice hit. That gave me so much motivation that this is my chance and he’s not gonna bully me anymore. I kept lifting more and more getting stronger better at football performing better in games in practice hitting Seth so hard that even if it hurt me I knew I was hurting him. Next year I was a team captain kept getting stronger and better at football and I knew wasn’t this nerd, little fat kid anymore, I still had my Hockin sport goggles though and I’m one to admit, they were pretty ugly but I didn’t really care because I had friends that I had never thought would even talk to me. So the class of 2019, white two with Mrs. Chick. If you ever are feeling down or hopeless, always remember there is always a way to change, it will never ever be easy but if you want it you can get it And Seth only god knows where you are nowadays, but if I could see you nowadays I would shake your hand and say thank you, because without you I would be nowhere near the man I am today, thank you and good luck to you all.  

Photo by joeduty on / CC BY-NC-SA


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  • msmith19
    May 22, 2019 at 1:02 pm 

    Reid this is a great speech with a lot of meaning, and showing that hard work does indeed pay off. I had no idea that you were a shy kid. Well, I don’t remember at least. All I remember is that you were always one of the actual tough kids on the team.

  • jmartin19
    May 22, 2019 at 1:16 pm 

    This speech is really interesting, well written an goes in to detail about what you learned these past 4 years. we all had that person that use to bully us this is a good story to tell to anyone that has been bullied.

  • m.stgermain19
    May 23, 2019 at 9:32 am 

    Very well written Reid. This is a great speech, you have accomplished amazing things throughout highschool. Hard work does pay off, you story is a good example of that.

  • kbenziger18
    May 23, 2019 at 11:23 am 

    I was in the class when you presented this. I must say you did a great job showing no matter what happens everything gets better and with perseverance you can over come anything.

  • cbeaule19
    May 23, 2019 at 12:15 pm 

    I really do like this speech, the meaning behind it is very deep and I can easily relate to it. This speech reminds me of the reasons on why I started playing football and it was because I was shy and was picked on for being short. This speech is a very good speech and can motivate anybody to get out of there comfort zone and gives good reasons to why anybody should.

  • cdion19
    May 23, 2019 at 12:20 pm 

    Reid I remember the years you were somewhat a shy kid. Im glad football was a big part of your life and it shaped you a as person. I liked the meaning and pathos that came along with the piece of writing. Reid overall great job on this one man.

  • jbrooks19
    May 23, 2019 at 12:58 pm 

    This is a great story you told hard work pays off over time you just have to stick with it. I always remembered you being open and having a good work ethic just keep that up.

  • mdevoe19
    May 23, 2019 at 9:34 pm 

    I was there when you presented your speech to the class and you did great. The way you delivered it by talking about how you got bullied, to working hard in football practice, and then finally over coming your childhood bully was very compelling. You had my attention the whole time you were speaking.

  • anadeau19
    May 24, 2019 at 9:17 am 

    I really enjoyed reading this piece of writing and thought it was very well written. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you to come out and put your personal conflicts out for everyone to know. I know how you feel when it comes to that one person who just tries to put you down. It definitely makes you work harder, just because you want to prove them wrong. I hope you keep this determination and confidence going on after high school, you’ll definitely go far. Congrats on Graduating!

  • smoring19
    May 24, 2019 at 1:45 pm 

    Great message behind your story, great to hear how to changed to get better for yourself and to prove others wrong.

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