TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Am I Playing It Safe

Class of 2019, we have been through everything, we all understand the struggling of school and deadlines for the seniors.  Always afraid to get yelled at for asking stupid questions from the teachers, Class of 2019 what I have to say is, DON’T be afraid to ask questions, just walk right up to your boss, a friend, or your family and ask the question.  Living, not knowing whatever it is, wondering what it would have been like if you did ask that question. Be bold and daring, because we all know the results of not asking our questions.  Let me tell you a story about me overcoming it, all through elementary school and middle school I had problems, But it was not until a year and a half ago that I was able to ask a question in front of the class, even standing in front of you now is hard for me.  Before I could ask for help and not be afraid, I would sit in the back of each classroom I was in and not talk unless it was to my friends. Most days I just would not talk until lunch sitting in the back and not doing anything.

Each day I would fall farther and farther behind in my classes, which led to the talks with teachers about my work, then led to phone calls home, which led to being grounded until I got caught up in class,  I never really got a majority of my work done in class until this year, I have been able to get almost all of my work done, by asking those questions I was not left wondering what could have happened if I asked those questions,  I had left the teacher knowing what to do and what I was stuck on was just small and simple to do, Without the teacher getting mad at me but was very understanding why I had troubles, I was no longer afraid to ask them what I had missed the previous class and what I needed to do,  I knew it changed for me when I walked up to my teacher Mrs. Finn because I was struggling in Algebra 2, knowing that at some point I had to ask someone other than my classmate next to me because she didn’t understand it either. I sat down at her table, waiting for it to be my turn to ask her, when she had turned she was happy almost jumping out of her seat that I was there knowing that I was struggling in class but waiting for me to be willing to make the next move,  I asked her if she could guide me through the problem as best as she could. Asking me constantly if I remembered this from Geometry or remembered that from that point in Geometry class, very understanding that I didn’t get much of anything in that class. Taking me step by step through the triangle to get each angle, seeing that either others were having the exact problem as me or something similar I was eased. Mrs. Finn was always understanding that I needed her to guide me through some things that I didn’t understand and never said a negative comment about me or what I had asked her, causing me to go up more and more often then past self would like.

I learned not to worry about what other people will think because in the end their opinion doesn’t matter to me, and it never should matter what they think.  So why should they matter to you, you have the same things to do just like them they have the same questions. Knowing what you need to do in order to finish something is the best feeling ever, knowing that you can get that paper in that you owe your boss at 5 one night and it’s already 4:30 p.m.  Never be afraid to be the bold one, that everyone else will be proud of because they can’t go up to there mean boss just to ask them a question. You might think to yourself “well what if I am the boss and there is nobody above me to ask that question”, well if that’s the case then go to your friends or family to ask, sometimes asking someone that you might know better than your boss can help you with that fear,  if they don’t know then try to find someone in the same job field that is willing to help. I was willing to constantly talk to me teachers just to get to know them, if I didn’t I don’t think that I would ever be able to talk to them for questions that I have even when I know it is something small and stupid to ask. Our teachers value what we have to ask, they don’t care what kind of question that you have, They just want you to be able to ask it and not be afraid to get help in class while you can get the help.

Photo by Marco Bellucci on / CC BY


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  • lpinard19
    May 23, 2019 at 11:12 am 

    I knew that you could do it and I’ve always had faith in you. I hope we can see each other aster high school and during college.

  • jmartin19
    May 23, 2019 at 12:27 pm 

    This is a really good piece of writing. this is very well written. This writing really is what high school is about and it gives off both sides of high school.

  • asthilaire19
    May 24, 2019 at 9:20 am 

    I always held faith for you to pass. Always knew you would strive for better and offer up life lessons for the people behind you. this is a great way to sign off of the blog for the last time. thank you for this.

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