TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Four Long Years

Four long years ago the majority of the class of 2019 walked through the doors to Oak Hill High School for the very first time. Most nervous or even a little scared for what was to come. Of course, those playing a fall sport had already met some of the upperclassmen from summer practices and preseason double sessions. Even so, the other ninety or so students from each grade remained unknown. I remember the feeling of intimidation walking in the halls with the physically large class of 2016. The football seniors especially. In most cases they were almost double our size, with most of them well over 6’, 200 lbs. Freshman hazing was a common occurrence in the locker room that year to say the least.

In time we all began to settle into our new schedules. Consisting of : school, sports, or maybe one of the very few clubs that Oak Hill High School has to offer. Freshman year is full of new experiences. First game under those Friday night lights (or even Saturday afternoon in our school’s case), first high school dance, first time learning how to drive a car an instructor, followed by lots of white knuckling the steering wheel.

Fast forward to Sophomore year. It was full of excitement as well. More PSAT’s, being able to send out for your license, with that finally obtaining the freedom you’ve been seeking for the past sixteen years. Although the most exciting part, is not being a freshman anymore. You finally earned that title of “sophomore”. You’re no longer the most hated grade by the upperclassmen, now you’re just the second most hated.

Three long years, and junior year is finally here. You’re finally an upperclassmen. You now finally have the privilege to look at all of the underclassmen in complete disgust as all of the upperclassmen have done before you. Bring on the SAT’s, AP Tests, and all of the optional extra studying that comes with it. Or you know, you could just send it. The most important thing about junior year, is the day reality hits you. When you realize that college is only two short years away. It’s time to start looking, it’s time to start trying to decide on what career path you’d like to embark on and what college you’d like to attend. It’s time to start the nearly impossible task of trying to plan out your whole life at the age of 17 years old.

The summer between junior and senior year is when things start to get real. Senioritis starts to slowly kick in if it hasn’t already. Senior pictures, capstone projects, more college planning and visits, and in most cases still not knowing exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life. You’ll have your last day of double sessions in that mid- August heat, and then the countdown begins of just how many games you have left.

Senior year, the year of lasts. Last school dance, Last first home game, last time asking that special someone to wear your football jersey on that Friday night or Saturday afternoon. For most senior year is your last time ever lacing up those cleats, throwing on shoulder pads, and buttoning up your chinstrap. For all but a select few, senior year is the last time you will ever play the game you love. Sure you can play two hand touch with some friends or family, but nothing will ever compare to trying to concuss the kids from a few towns over.

The winter and spring of senior year consists of more college planning, and more struggling to decide what your future holds. Eventually in the very early spring committing to a college, or chosing to enter the workforce straight out of high school. Either way, at this point your senioritis is probably through the roof. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones. Which I unfortunately am not. Shortly after you’ll have to take your cap and gown pictures. Things got extra real for me at this point. I came to the realization that in the near future I will need to say goodbye to the teachers I’ve grown close with over these last four years, the coaches that have helped shape me into the individual I am today, and to all of my peers as we prepare to go our separate ways.

I watched the class of 2016 in amazement as it felt I would never be there. Freshman year it felt as though senior year would be many years away, not just four. It felt like it was going to take eternity to finally be on stage, shaking the principles hand at graduation. Boy was I wrong. The last four years have felt so slow at times, and fast as the speed of light at others. This year alone has gone so fast it’s felt like a blur. I remember our first day like it was yesterday. On Friday, we will all hear that two o’clock bell for what we hope is the very last time. From there, it’s a direct shot to June 3rd.

Last but not least, to the class of 2019. We did it. These last four years have been a wild ride for all of us. Every once in awhile remember to take a step back. Live in the moment, and try to enjoy yourself. Something I wish I had done more over my four years here at Oak Hill High School. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors, and I hope to see you all again someday.

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  • msmith19
    May 24, 2019 at 9:37 am 

    I agree with in the times that high school went by slow . I will miss all the football memories that we had, but we are all ready to get out of here.

  • ctreadwell19
    May 24, 2019 at 10:10 am 

    Isaac I loved this piece of writing, I got a full understanding of what to expect in high school and that time is too valuable to waste. You are my best friend for life and I’m going to miss these days with you. I just hope that we don’t lose contact when high school is done because it’s gonna suck going from seeing you everyday to seeing you once a week or less because of college. Your writing was well organized and I wish we could have another year together.. I love you buddy and congratulations on finishing high school 🙂

  • smoring19
    May 24, 2019 at 1:36 pm 

    Sad to say its over, but happy to say I made it. Hard to hear all that we’ve all gone through, from the last times to the late nights of homework and college stuff.

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