TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My past 4 years

WOW. Okay, The time has come. We have now spent the last 4 years together! And I’m not going to lie. I’m not completely sad to say that it is finally time to get out of here. Even though I am beyond happy to be done with high school, I still wanted to say thank you. Thank you to everyone that has attended oak hill and helped me learn and grow over the past years.

Freshman year, yes that was a rough one. I was so ready to be in highschool, hoping everyone would get along and it would be the best 4 years of our life. But I came to realize very quickly that this was not how high school was going to be. Instead there were groups of people. We all had our own activities and were busy. I had dance everyday along with homework. I handled all of my outside activities well until sophomore year. I also struggled with a solid amount of acne, oh and don’t forget the bangs… I’m not quite sure who let me think that was a good idea but who cares at this point. Just a quick tips for the upcoming freshman,  do not eat a homemade brownie from anyone at school if you do not know what is in it. Oops.

Sophomore year, was decent, well I thought so at the time, but that is where it all started. I had a group of friends, not so good friends though except for Sarah Herbert. I learned faster than anything that having one good friend was better than being in a group. It helped me understand that I in fact did not want to be in a group of friends with all the drama that happens in this school. Thank you Oak Hill students, for teaching me that you most definitely can not trust everyone, and having a small friend group would work out better in the long run. Procrastination. The one thing everyone swears on their life that they won’t do again for the following year, occurs..  I don’t believe there is one person in this room who has not fallen behind once. But I’m not here to throw anyone under the bus today! All in all sophmore year was overall boring.

Alright, Now junior year, we have only been trying to win homecoming and winter carnival for the past 2 years not and we may have been a little heated when we didn’t win again, thanks to the seniors who always gave it their all and pushed us to do better when they were gone. Our movie trailers though.. Those were always the best.  I would also like to say thank you to all the teachers who have dealt with my attitude. I really don’t mean to throw it at you, but mr young… I think your asking for it sometimes. But forgive me. Junior year was the year where my parents started to get on my rear end to make sure my school work got done on time, but honestly I don’t think them yelling at me ever made me want to do my homework anymore than I did before. I however did fall behind on some of my work, but thank you to english, I was forced to get it together.

Senior year, the last of them. Most of us have survived the last three years and have come prone to senioritis. I don’t believe that it’s really a thing but  it’s an excuse to not have my work done. This year was extremely rough though. I went through a lot. It’s not something I really like to talk about, but since I probably won’t see anyone after June 3rd I’ll go for it. I was involved in a pretty severe accident and I am beyond grateful to be alive. It was on a snowy day, I was driving home with Kate and hit a pothole that was not visible. The vehicle slide for quite a while and flipped twice. It was called into the station as a fatality and from that point on my view of everything changed. Thank you to all who helped after the accident. From there on out I kept to myself mostly. I had my headphones in almost 97% of the time. In a blink of an eye we are here with no more than a week left of school. Blink again and we will be throwing our caps! Congratulations to all my peers. We have finally made it.

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