TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

High School Years

  As I read my speech to you, I want you to keep in mind that i’ve never been good at talking in front of groups like this… even though we all know i’m outgoing and will do anything else to embarrass myself but this! As I came to the high school I was nervous about being the youngest, and being picked on for my weight, or being annoying. I wasn’t friends with the greatest group, that really none of you ever liked anyway.

My freshman year I was friends with all the upperclassmen and never really payed attention to the actual school work which made it rough, ended up in summer school. Ha, so fun right? This year was Mrs.Doyle, I loved that women. If we all think back at it, this was where we could actually have fun at school dances, grinding, doing all the things where shouldn’t have probably done at school. My Sophomore year was when Alberti became the new principal, and I was always getting in trouble because of my group of friends. Yeah, I was getting detentions here and there, 3 suspensions… it goes on from there, but I never had anything but hatred for Aliberti. Oh and guess what? I went to summer school again. Betcha couldn’t guess that. Junior year was the year I started to get my mindset straight, not being involved with drama as much because really what is the point? I lost most of my friends this year, when they got enrolled in Alternative. But overall I was doing better for myself. Not having friends by your side to talk to during school, cry with if you need too, even eat lunch with. I was by myself for a good portion of the time, letting myself focus on school work. But not many of you may have known this but my parents got divorced at the end of my sophomore year, giving me bad depression, and anxiety when I had no one there at school by my side. I had to learn a lot of things about myself, like what I could do to focus when having rough days, staying out of trouble, getting my work done and even trying to make new friends. Senior year was overall the hardest, with going to counseling, all the work given to us at one time, cause let’s all be honest it was way overwhelming. This year I had made a lot more friends, but still had been keeping my circle small. We are now going to college in the upcoming fall. Can you really believe we are almost finished?

For all you underclassmen, here is something you don’t want to do doing your high school years. Don’t stay with the friends that cause you to not do your school work because summer school is not fun. Don’t allow yourself to procrastinate till last minute because most likely you won’t pass. Don’t allow yourself to be walked over by your friends, stand up for yourself. Let those fake friends go, because in the end all it’s doing is keeping you from succeeding and focus on what you need to do. And don’t be anything but yourself, if people don’t like you then screw them. Don’t change yourself just for others attention, it’s really not worth it. I wish I hadn’t of done these things, but on the other hand I am grateful that I did. Thank you to all the school work because without you, I would not be ready for college. Thank you to Mrs.Bourassa and Feds, cause for real I wouldn’t have done it without you. And thank you to my classmates for teaching me I didn’t need any friends to get through these 4 years of high school.

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  • ctreadwell19
    May 24, 2019 at 10:03 am 

    Kelsea, thank you for all the fun times in high school.. I know we haven’t talked much recently but you’re family and family is forever. I wish you the best of luck on your new journey.. I loved this piece of writing. You used good language and I got flashbacks and memories in my brain going 100 mph.

  • hwoodrum19
    May 25, 2019 at 5:46 pm 

    Ah, Mrs. Doyle. I remember her. Especially freshman year when she came over the intercom saying “there has been an explosion in a young man’s pants”. Those will be the thing I will remember from Highschool. Even though I never went to any of the school dances

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