TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Take Two

Well here I am in front of a class I’m graduating with that’s not even my class of senior year take two but on top of the list of the things I learned throughout my high school career is the saying The next four years are going to go by extremely fast and the next thing you’ll know you’ll be in a cap in gown getting your diploma. It is more than true here I was freshmen year thinking yeah okay I have plenty of time to do my work and graduate  the beginning of senior year came and I wasn’t graduating.

The next thing I should have listened too is a teacher telling me that all I have to do is pass high school I don’t need to go to college but without a high school diploma you won’t have anything and in today’s world it will be hard to have an easy happy life money is not everything in life but it helps a lot in life to make it easier. Having my siblings call me after they found out that I wasn’t graduating and telling me to just do the extra year and what you put into life is what you’ll get out of it. I didn’t not graduate because I’m dumb with school work or because of teachers or other people it was 100% my fault and no one else’s I have no one to blame for my dumb decisions but myself for what  I did when I was younger.

There’s a lot of things that you can prevent in school and when you don’t do what’s necessary to prevent them they come back in bite you in the ass hard trust me. The things you can prevent you just have to shrug off your shoulders and keep doing you and if it knocks you down you have to get up and keep going friends come and go and honestly none of the matter but who’s there with you after graduation you won’t see 95% of the people in this graduating class ever again in your life. This year has made me a strong believer that everything really does happen for a reason this year I have become close with teachers I was not close with last year and new people from this senior class that I become close with and new freshmen that I see have a lot of potential in life and here I am the end of senior year take two.

I have been blessed with four great job opportunities that i can make a good living out of and be able to support a family in the future oh by the way that will make me more money than the teachers who tried to tell me I wouldn’t become anything without a college degree. What i have to say to upcoming seniors and lower classmen is that whatever someone tells you about advice in school is to listen to it do your work on time and graduation will come quicker than you think. Photo on


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