TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Don’t be an Alex in high school.

Tips of Success not to be an Alex

Dear Underclassman, I am writing to you not for my own benefit but more for Ms.Chick and that nice passing grade I’ll hopefully be receiving by writing this. I am going to be giving simple tips and easy to follow definitions and examples on how to not to be an Alex but be your ownself.

Pro tip one is procrastination is the the worst but best thing. Procrastination in the moment seems like the best thing ever, and that you will always do it, but don’t, I repeat don’t, give into the temptation. It not only hurts you in the long run, but also pisses off all most every teacher you do it to. I myself gave into the procrastination and would go home and play xbox from 4:30 till bedtime and in the moment I thought it was the best thing for me and I had everything figured out. Yeah, no. I was completely wrong. I failed so many classes and failed to learn to correct this mistake all four years of high school. It is currently my senior year of high school I am taking three English classes and three Social Studies classes. I went to LRTC my junior year and took electricity class to become a electrician. I enjoyed that class so much but I missed out on the second year because I had to make up classes or I would come back as a super senior and I told myself that definitely wouldn’t be happening. I’m still procrastinating, writing this essay and kind of just ranting about not how to be and Alex or an idiot within high school.

Pro tip number two is get help when you need it. If you struggle within a class and know you are going to struggle go seek help. I can not stress enough how important seeking help from someone is. I personally hate English, sorry Ms.chick, it’s completely true and you’ll never change my mind. Do not, I repeat do not, go to friends or buddies for work or help. You will 95% of the time do the assignment wrong or you will plagiarise because you are being dumb and lazy. It is also more trouble to go through friends that might have gotten an 80 because they BSed their way through it than simply going to a teacher. The first place you should go is to the teacher for multiple reasons. The biggest reason is they are the freaking teacher; they know what they are doing, they gave you the assignment, they can answer any question you give them and, if they can’t answer the question, they’ll either ask another teacher or you will both sit down and figure it out together. Wow, you got the answers and the help you needed and did better than the buddy you were going to get help from? That’s so surprising. Another reason is you can create a bond with the teacher so you have someone to go to vent or just chill and talk. It doesn’t need to be a strong bond and it doesn’t need to be every teacher, just find the one that understands you the best and become friends. Don’t be stupid and don’t be an Alex and ask all your friends for help instead of a teacher.

Pro tip number three is get rid of toxic people; they are useless. I had so many toxic people in my life. All they did was create drama and drag me into the middle of it, and I really didn’t give two shits about it. All toxic people do is create problems and then they rely on you to try and fix all them, and it’s just stupid and pointless. Get rid of them. I can not stress enough, don’t be friends with toxic people. Just sit back, watch them mess up their own lives, because you know you’ve done your best to help and it’s just not worth saving the “friendship”.Another thing you should never do is be fake to people. Being fake is another form of being toxic. Honestly, I hate fake people and I hate being fake to people, but I do it to one person, and I’ll own up to it, because most people are fake to them anyway. When you are fake you usually, in the end, aren’t happy, because it’s either them as a person killing the mood, or you really can’t stand them. So, don’t be an Alex and try to help everyone that asks you to. Just cut them out by not talking to them, or ignoring them, or the ass route that usually works, just tell them off. Usually this creates drama, but sometimes is the funniest drama you’ll ever see.

Pro tip number 4 is have a good mindset. Don’t talk down about yourself and be positive; not only to and about yourself, but to others. Whenever you approach a friend, or whoever it is,be in a good mood and have a smile on your face. Make their day by not only being in a good mood, but also laughing and having a good time with them, showing them even when they are having a bad day, people can still make a difference or have an impact on you. If you have a bad mindset and don’t care about anything nobody is going to care to help or put in a single effort for you. Overall just be a good person. To all people that take these four tips good for you I hope they help you in the future and if you don’t take these tips I hope you can get through high school and don’t have to come back. Good Luck to all and hopefully have a successful future.

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  • mdevoe19
    May 28, 2019 at 8:04 am 

    I wish I would have listened to something like this when I was a freshman. I struggled with all of these same this to some degree, and I think most people do. If everybody listened to a speech like yours and actually took your advice, I think Oak Hill would have a lot better GPA as a whole.

  • ecurtis19
    May 29, 2019 at 12:17 pm 

    This was very well written, and I have to admit, I did laugh some while reading the first part about getting the grade, that was incredibly relatable. I loved the list that you have here, all of the things that you wrote about are so important to remember all of the time. I’m so glad I got to read this.

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