TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Just try

As I stand in front of you today, reading my last assignment ever for English, I realize how quickly everything is coming to an end. High school has been quite the haul, from to trying to juggle school, work, sports, and pulling all nighter’s to pass the end of a semester, to figuring out what to do with your life after high school. High school can really determine how you plan to deal with the work given and how your going to manage stress. But, of course, both those things with have a different effect from whether you just try or don’t try. You’ll start to realize how easy things will come if you have the want to just try.

Looking back at the very long four years of high school, I see many things that I could have done differently. Of course I can’t change my past mistakes, but I’m kind of glad they happened, because I would’ve never learned some of the basics of life without those mistakes. However, The one thing that I regret the most out of my fours years here, is I wish I just tried. I had this mindset stuck in my head that I couldn’t do it, or I’ll just get to it later, or some how miraculously it would just disappear. Yup, that never happened. It didn’t take me till the second semester of my senior year, yes, my senior year till I really started till figure things out. I realized that I could not do my typical strategy which was waiting at the very last possible moment. It always worked every other year because I had the next school year to finish things up if I really had to. But my senior year was different; we end early and that’s it, there was no more extensions or exemptions, it was now or never. I realized I just had to try if I really wanted to not only graduate, but possibly exclude a little stress during the process. Like I said, I always pulled off passing every other year, but let me tell you what it took to make that happen. In order to pass every other year with all the procrastination I had, it took sleepless nights and a lot of mental breakdowns. It took me till the last semester of my high school career to realized I just needed to try. You always hear teachers say just do your assignments when they are assigned and you’ll have a stress free year. Well, for some reason that seems to go in one ear and out the other for most students. I hate to break it to you, but that actually works; doing the assignments when they are assigned is the nicest feeling. Trying to get myself to just do the work was like pulling teeth, but in the end it was all worth it. I started understanding directions better and getting assignments right the first time I passed them in, just because I truly tried.

This year I didn’t have all those long nights which mostly consisted of crying and complaining, or the procrastination that made me feel an absurd amount of stress for the whole year, all because I just tried. I was able to manage spring soccer, work, and school in a healthy and success free way, because I just tried. It was nice, I actually had time on my hands to do fun stress free, things like hang out with friends or just little things that I never had time for because I always had homework no matter what. And I know I figured out how to cause my life less stress super late in the game, but like they say better late than never. I’m glad I figured things out no later than I did because college is coming and I finally feel good about it and not terrified that I won’t be able to handle the work, but now I feel a little more confident with the whole college thing.

For anyone that feels they have a hard time getting yourself to just to the work and have the want to try, all I can say is just try. Even if it’s not the best work it’s still a start. No body can help you if you don’t give them something to work with. Just the slightest effort can have the biggest impact. I’m not just talking about the frustrating busy work in high school, but life in general. My life hack to you, is to just try, if you do then things will come easy, people will want to help you and success will come your way.

Photo by hang_in_there on / CC BY


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