TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Last 4 Years At Oak Hill

Wow, it has been 4 amazing years with this class. It feels like yesterday we all just got here to become Freshman, but nope; we came here 4 years ago. These 4 years have been amazing with this class, especially with the teachers we had all 4 years. Even though, I like to wish all the Senior advisers good luck with the next class of Freshman. Even if we all aren’t ready to say goodbye to the teachers we all favorite, I’m hoping that I can come back here and visit and all the teacher I know will be here still. It might seem like a big step for our class to take into the real world, but it is something that we all have to do. Even if it is just going to college or even finding a job; it can also possibly be moving out of your parent’s house. Anything to make it a big step for any of us.

The first thing I would want to talk about is how my Freshman year, my Freshman year was really busy. I finally got to see my friends after a busy summer at the race track. Since my brother started racing and it was a really busy summer before Freshman year, after summer I realized I had to focus on my grades for school. I remember that I was a Freshman just yesterday, but now I’m a Senior in high school and ready to graduate. Freshman year, it was one of the toughest years for me; just dealing with deaths in my family. Most of the time, I was still focus on my grades; but every day I would have people ask me about the cousins I lost. When people kept asking me, it did get annoying after a little. After everything, I saw it was the end of Freshman year; it seemed like it was a blur and I didn’t believe it was the end of Freshman year.

I had another busy summer, since my brother had his first full season of racing; even though summer didn’t last long. After that, the class of 2019 finally got the title of being Sophomores. Not the most hated class, even though we finally could look down at the Freshman; even though we still had to deal with the upper class mans looking at us. Everyone having the troubles of getting through Sophomore year was a struggle; especially when you’re trying to get through all your classes. Especially when you see your grade is failing, but only because you’re not good in that class. Sophomore year, it was one of the most difficult times. Since it was always full with different drama and everything else that was happening. After getting through everything with friends, it was time to move on and be a Junior.

Now here we go, becoming a Junior was like being a Senior; only because we were upper class man and we got to look down at the Sophomores and Freshmans like the Seniors did with us. It was also a year that everyone thought was hard, but some of us got through the year without a problem. It was also the first year for prom, but of course I didn’t go; I went to the movies with my best friend instead. Since she wanted to watch Deadpool 2 more than go to prom; which to me, it seemed better and it was great. It was another year of trying to pass classes and being able to get through the year without thinking of taking it again the next year. Now, here we go; becoming Seniors.

Now, Senior year; the year that the class of 2019 basically rule the school. Becoming Seniors and realizing that we are going to graduate within months through the year of 2019. Our Senior year is one of the years we go on college tours and decide what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Some of us might not know still, but we still have some time to think; even if you take a year off from school. Most of us might have those dreams that we want to accomplish, but we also have those people that tell us not to do anything about the dream. Senior year is also the year that some of might be going to prom for the first time. Now, we are at the end of the road; where everyone splits up and follows their own dreams.

We all have dreams we want to follow, no matter what; find what you want to do for the rest of your life. With everything that was from Freshman year to now, it shows that the class of 2019 is a great class to be apart. With the 4 years we all have been together, I would like to say; hope everyone finds the path they want to follow for the future and hope one day we all meet up again. Be able to share the great memories through high school we all had.

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