TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Let me dissect you

Have you ever just had a drive in you that when you got in the driver’s seat it took over you? Like when someone is possessed; that possession has a hold of them. Well that is how I feel about biology or anatomy. I love learning new things about the human body or other creatures. Being able to put my hands inside something to figure something about it or see what’s wrong with it. It is hands on learning literally, there is not a lot of that nowadays so when you’re able to use it do not take it for granted.

My first time actually dissecting in class was with Molly. Molly and I was always so into it in biology especially that part of it. We would sit there for the whole class showing Mrs. Boucher what we were finding, and what was interesting and unique about our separate dissection. We would take our time but we would go fast too. We also would name the thing we were dissecting. Molly and I dissected everything together our best one was either the frog or the rat. We took those things as much apart as we could. I remember when we were dissecting the rat and we went through the muscles of its legs and arms. We always found something so magical about it.

Biology has always been my favorite class even when I didn’t know there was a class like so. When I was about nine I would dissect frogs I found on the playground at school. There would be people around me calling me nasty but I didn’t care, because I was so into it. I have always been so passionate about science. I was even accepted into college for biology. My passion for biology is only going to grow.

If someone wanted to see how passionate I am for it all they would have to do is watch me dissect. It’s how you look at it. Some people look at it like it’s a horrible thing but then some people look at it like it is magic. Let me just say it is like when you are looking at an engagement ring you get from your significant other or how some people look at food. No matter how nasty that sounds it is my love and it will never change.

Photo: Zoe Buteau


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  • mflaherty19
    May 26, 2019 at 4:56 pm 

    You sure are right! There was just something about tearing apart a rat or frog that just made it “magical”. I’m so glad I got to share this experience with you and I hope you find the perfect career for you that allows you to tear stuff up and maybe even put it back together.

  • tmoore19
    May 28, 2019 at 9:05 am 

    Dissecting sure isn’t for everyone, but personally I enjoy it too! Finding something you love that is unique to you, and you can build your future with is amazing. It’s great that you are going to be a biology major.

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