TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My high school years

Good morning, as the end of our senior year winds down, I would like to share with you all how high school went for me and my journey along the way.

Highschool is a fast four years; enjoy it while it lasts, time flies. It feels like yesterday that I was a freshman at St.Doms never thinking the year of  2019 would ever come. As a freshman trying to compete with junior and seniors to try and make the varsity hockey team ( back when high school hockey was actually decent) it was very challenging. It taught me a lot about work ethic and how everything revolves around it.  Before the season, I trained as hard as I could to be ready for the tryout. I ended up making the varsity team, only three freshman made it and the rest were upperclassmen. Back when I was a freshman at St.Doms, the upperclassman ran the team and told us freshman what to do all the time. Let me tell you what, that was not fun. I  got sick of filling waters and picking up pucks every day, that was not my thing.

As the season went on, I was not getting the playing time I wanted. I worked so hard I even beat out some of the upperclassmen and that still was not enough. We had a pretty good team my freshman year; we made it to semifinals losing to Lewiston when they won three years in a row. We knew we would never beat Lewiston. I never thought that my four years of high school hockey would have blown by so fast. The whole time I thought I deserved to see more ice time, I was pretty upset about not playing. By the end of my sophomore year I decided I wanted to move schools because I was tired of not having my name spelled the wrong way and not playing because of politics. But now I look at it that  the coach wanted to play the more experienced players and and give the upperclassmen the chance to play there final seasons.

High school hockey was not my only issues\ in high school. Back at St. Doms I was struggling a lot. That school was awful; kids were fake and the school was so divided that everyone basically hated each other. The social aspect to the school was terrible, forcing others and I to leave. My freshman and sophomore year for me were awful, one or two  hours of homework at night was dreadful. Ever since I have moved to Oak Hill I have noticed that this school is a lot different than other schools, specifically St.Doms. This school’s community is a lot different because I have found that kids at this school are much more down to earth and way more accepting than my old school.

At first, transferring schools was kind of difficult for me since I really did not know anyone accept a few people that I knew before going into the school. At first I was nervous that I was not going to fit in, but then soon I realized there is all different types of kids here. At my old school if you were not in the “in” group you were considered a “nobody” . At this school I realized everyone basically has there group of friends and there is not really “outsiders”. I have come to realize that there are alot of “real” kids at this school and are actually true friends. Coming to this school really helped me branch out and to make new friends. `

Now, we are all about to go onto our next journey. Writing this really is just a recap on my high school years that meant a lot to me. They were not always easy times, but they were times that showed me a lot about myself and the person I truly am.

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1 Comment

  • nmoring19
    May 27, 2019 at 11:19 am 

    I’m glad you found a place where you feel like you fit in. Finding the right group of friends is really essential to high school. I wonder if you would have found that group if you stayed at St. Dom’s. Anyway, best of luck in your future endeavors!

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