TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Oh The Skills of Jelly Packet Kid

Hello, English four. I may not be the first person you want to hear from,the most popular, or the most liked human on this planet, but here we are. I am going to tell you a story about a recent experience an experience I wish everyone could have the opportunity to do. That experience is Skills USA.

It started with an argument among the red day CNA class at LRTC; who was going to compete and who was not. There was a yelling match between another girl and I about who was going to come out on top. She very well knew I would win the argument, then she would scoff, call me a bully and continue whatever nonsensical thing she had been doing on her phone for the past hour and a half. But, let’s be real, we all were wasting our time on our phones.

I knew since the beginning of this year that SkillsUSA was a goal of mine. I wanted to compete in the CNA skills. For those of you that dont know what a CNA is they are certified nurse assistants or as most people say underpaid certified butt wipers for the elderly.

Once the arguments stopped in the class we knew who was going to compete to be the top of our classes to go off to Skills USA the state competition. We all went one by one went down stairs for our competitions. Soon enough, last but  not least, it was my turn. I showed off a few skills I knew. I was good at handwashing, nail care, and how to take a blood pressure properly. We all anxiously waited the scores. I had gone against four other classmates that claimed they could kick my butt and that I had no chance to go to states. But the joke is on them. They were wrong. I beat them out by 30 points and went on to the state competitions. The state competitions were the real deal. I did not know what was up ahead and yikes, as March 7th came close, I became nauseous by the day.  

A week later, days before the competition, a man gave me scrubs the wrong size . The pants were hella long. I simply took them and decided I will BS my way through by taping them because there was no going back. In the end I got a set of scrubs that was perfect in the top but way too long in the bottoms. I went home packed my things two days ahead and was all ready to go. I even checked for medical tape three times. Once I knew I had it taking a deep breath hoping it would go okay and the tape would hold up.

March seventh came around I left the school at 11am and went over to LRTC. I was super jittery I knew I would compete on the eighth due to staying overnight in Bangor and that I had not left with the first group of competitors. I got lucky to have my friend across the hall. But, let me tell you, the kid he roomed with was strange this kid ate jelly packets. Yes, you heard me right, he ate jelly packets just the plain ones taking them down like jelly shots. He earned himself the name Jelly kid. He ate all the ones in the room he ate all the ones in the lobby; it was bizarre. Even at the nice hibachi grill we went to, he ate them.

Next thing I knew it was time to get some shut eye. I went to bed and at 3 O’clock in the morning I kid you not Jelly Packet kid is banging on my door. I tried just ignoring him but he was persistent In the end I found myself opening my door to jelly kid. “What do you want?!” I said quite angry he stared blankly behind me. I knew he was staring at the small basket of grape jelly packets and said “Can I have your jelly packets the hotel gave you?” he stated frantically like he was going to miss his next jelly packet crack fix. I simply stared at him “are you SERIOUS” I exclaimed and slammed the door locked it. Then proceeded to lay down and get the last few precious hours of sleep I had before the competition.

Next thing I knew, it was competing day. I woke up bright and early showered ironed out my scrubs to be wrinkle free and got to my competition at 8 am sharp honestly the 11 other girls made me nervous. I knew this was meant to be fun. I adjusted my scrubs as my name got called to compete.

Our competition was behind closed doors which was very nerve racking. I took a breath and told myself to have. It was about seeing the skill sets. The skills I had under my belt to prepare for the medical field.

After two hours of tests and various tasks I exited and immediately looked for the friend that had come to Skills USA as well. We sat on a bench together it felt like what were hours were minutes. Just awaiting scores  He gave me a very Important lesson I took away “you may be here because you won a SkillsUSA classroom competition. Do not beat yourself up if you do not bring anything home with you but the experience.” I took that with me.

The late ceremony came up all 900 competitors excitedly filed into the large concert hall. We all got comfortable knowing that we would be there a few hours. After sitting awhile awaiting for my competition to get called. It finally gets called. I heard the bronze girl get called and I looked at my lap knowing I may not have even placed which was okay. Because all that mattered was that I had fun. I came for the fun of it, not a medal, I told myself under my breath. Then the announcer says the results the silver medal I heard my name and the water works started.

I knew that day I found my career path. Nursing;  it takes one experience, or even a few more to know what you truly have an interest in. And that is what I want you, period two white English four, to take away from my writing. Even if you do not win a medal, or have a life changing experience, but it could be a simple realization. Thank you.

Photo by sean dreilinger on / CC BY-NC-SA


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1 Comment

  • mflaherty19
    May 26, 2019 at 4:51 pm 

    I already commented on your essay about going to Skills USA but I heard you present this essay in class and I just wanted to say that I think this was a fantastic speech. It was inspirational, informative and funny all at the same time so great job! I also don’t understand how someone can eat so many jelly packets.

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