TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Rest Easy

I do not have much of family history to go through. It is like everyone else, normal, breeding down the line. Everyone has their family problem, and I am sure I will find out some amazing history down the line of my life. I do not have a story about history, but I can tell a story that has happened recently in my family.

My uncle Shane Sauer was an amazing person helping people when they needed help. He was the person that would give a person on the streets his last dollar in his wallet when they needed it. Shane was a big part of so many people’s lives. He graduated high school on time with all of his friends, had all the struggles of a teenage male. He had a job at a car wash for many years, meeting new people and always putting smiles on anyone faces coming in and out. He was twenty-six years old when he passed. He did not pass in a suitable manner either.

Shane was in-love with his girlfriend for more than two years. They were best friends before they dated and knew each other throughout high school. He also graduate before her as well. He was her high school sweetheart if you want to call it that. The thing is they were not together when she got out of high school. They had that type of relationship where they did not express their feeling to each other so they would date other people. They started actually dating when he was about twenty-three or four. They were always happy when I saw them together. You could always tell how much he loved her because of how he carried himself around her or how he just looked into her eyes.

On March 13, 2018 they ended up fighting and on erg of breaking up they took two days to them self, I am guessing. On the Friday after they kind of broke up he went to her house and found her with a different man. His first reaction was to hit the guy because that was his girl. Little did he know that would be the last thing he ever fought for. Austin McDevit was the guy that was laying in the bed with Shane’s “girlfriend”. Austin decided to go outside to his truck and grab his gun. While Shane was inside he was in distraught, his heart was broken.

He figured it was time to go, he and the girl walked outside holding hands. Austin pointed the gun at him and shot at his twelve times hitting him seven times. Three of the shots hit him in the head and the others were in the body. Austin told the cops “I knew not to injure him.” Austin shot my uncle in cold blood; He meant to kill him. Even though Shane had nothing in his hands, he shot him anyways and killed him.

This simply changed my life and everyone in my family’s life. Shane had a huge part in everyone life. He was an incredible person who could always put a smile on someone’s face. He was the kind of person that would give a stranger in need his last dollar in his wallet if they needed it. He was the friend that everyone wanted as a friend. I hope Austin McDevit gets what he deserves. We lost an amazing soul on earth that day. May Shane Rest in Peace

Till we meet again Shane.

Photo: Samantha Sauer


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