TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Speech of the Soul

Dear whoever cares to listen to this speech that I had no interest in writing.

After hearing everyone’s speeches I feel as though I have nothing to compare. I have no heart-wrenching stories or really anything in particular that I got from high school.

I’d like to say I learned a lot from the teachers, when I know I spent most of my time in class watching youtube or playing on my phone;

which tended to be during times I really should have been paying attention. There were only a few lessons learned, but most were just from things I had to experience myself.

Going from a middle school where the work was based day to day compared to High school where the work was based on my own self-motivation, caused a drastic change in me.

Procrastination, the eternal feeling of “eh I can do it later” greatly took over me. For example, I just took a 20-minute break unconsciously from typing this because I was playing on my phone.

Mind you this is being written on Tuesday night, days before hopefully we are all done with high school.

4 years of high school later, I’ve now learned from my procrastination.

Turns out some of my best work comes to light during crunch time, just please don’t ask Mrs. Chick for a comment on that.

What I’m trying to say, is sometimes stress helps.

Of course not at the moment, no it’s just awful, but it’s helpful in retrospect.       

How many hundreds of times have you been stressed over something trivial at the moment, but in the end it was just fine?

Next time the stress seems too much and it seems to be getting to you, just remember “pressure turns coal into diamonds”.

Besides learning loopholes in how to put off work the longest, what else I learned was it’s okay to be a little risky.

And I’m not talking about going to go hit fat clouds in the bathrooms, but to try new things.

One of my closest friends now was technically a bully of mine until I took the chance of inviting him over to a party and really got to know him.

Ever since then he’s been like family to me.

Change isn’t always good, but staying stagnant isn’t any better.

Always looking for ways to improve in any form helps. Either that be intellectually, physically, skillfully, socially, or any other way is the only way to improve yourself to be the best you.

Getting into high school, I was a wreck with knowing who I was. I started freshman year with normal hair and a lack of holes in my ears.

There have been quite a few changes in case you haven’t noticed,

that’s right I’m taller.

Taking the big step towards gauging my ears or dying my hair was quite a risk for my appearance. Though it didn’t stop me, and personally I don’t regret that choice one bit.

Highschool showed me that life hasn’t even really started.

Where we are right now we can still do anything we put our minds to.

Realising college may be too hard right now or too expensive like I have?

Go when you feel comfortable so you can get the most out of it. I can tell you right now, when senioritis hit hard this year, the only thing that pushed me was my need to graduate so I didn’t have to come here again, not a fire “igniting” me to learn.

Realizing I forgot something for this speech to far into it, I thought id write a poem to get those literary devices I missed.

Hey, names Leland Bailey

Roasting people on the daily

Gone is the high school fun

The real adulting has just begun

Time for bills and checks

To come after this four year train wreck

Finally finishing through this english dash

But Mrs. Chick, whats the math?

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  • nmoring19
    May 27, 2019 at 11:26 am 

    I love it. I think you have learned more from high school than you realize. Although this is a bit of a satire on what the assignment was meant to be, you killed it. I think your speech is one of the best that I’ve read. I like the way you use sarcasm and irony to express your feelings about high school. Have fun adulting!

  • mdevoe19
    May 28, 2019 at 10:31 am 

    I’m a terrible procrastinator too and maybe that’s why I agree, but I think that having the extra pressure of having something do the morning after you write it does give me extra motivation and helps me write better, And the way you ended you’re speech with a poem was hilarious.

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