TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Switching School

Hello Mrs.Chick’s white period 3 class, I would like to tell you the story of how I got here to graduation through my high school journey.  

I started at St.Doms my freshman year with my older brother being a senior, I wanted to follow in his footsteps.  Through the ups and downs of freshman year of high school I struggled with grades. Never being academically ineligible to play sport and without failing a class, my grades were just low.  I started to look at my other options going into my sophomore year, touring a couple different schools to see my options. I realized after my freshman year that I couldn’t spend the next three years of high school at St.Dom’s.  This was not a difficult decision for me as I wanted a new teacher that would actually help me.

With sports being such a big part of my life, I got a lot of encouragement from family and friends when thinking about transferring during my sophomore year.  I found that this was a difficult decision because of the friends I had made and I didn’t want to leave them. Sophomore year came around and once again another year of struggling grades.  After my brother graduated and I had to follow in his footsteps I realized those shoes were too big to fill. After lots of trying to convincing my parents to let me do what I think is right for my education, they agreed and I transfered to Oak Hill High School.  

Coming into my junior year at Oak Hill I didn’t know very many people, I knew some people from lacrosse and family friends.  It was very humbling to come in and feel welcomed by everyone. Walking up the ramp to meet my advisor, being greeted by the principal.  My first experience at Oak Hill was meeting my advisor for the next two years. She was a great first impression of the school and starting off my junior year on the right note.  After my first semester I knew I had made the right choice making it on the honor roll for the first time in all of high school. I finished my junior year with good friendships and teachers that believed in me.  I struggled with procrastinating without having hard due dates. Budgeting my time was also very hard considering once or twice a month I was out of state playing hockey. I realized going into my senior year that college was a possibility.  Senior year was everything I expected it to be; I got accepted to college and will attended St.Joe’s in the fall. Oak Hill gave me the opportunity to discover who I am as a student. Throughout high school I have learned don’t procrastinate, make good first impressions, and be open to change.  

I hope to take all the lessons I have learned from transferring schools and building relationships with new teacher and friends to college.  I learned that first impressions go a long way and if you turn in work on time the teacher likes you a lot more. These are just some of the different things I have learned throughout high school and the different ways high school has shaped me into the person I am today.  

I would encourage you to take the lessons that I have learned and apply them to your future experiences.

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  • nmoring19
    May 27, 2019 at 11:12 am 

    Wow. Truly an inspirational piece. I like how you explicitly stated what you have learned and what you will take from that moving forward. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

  • cdaigle19
    May 28, 2019 at 10:42 am 

    Honestly, procrastinating was probably the worst decision I ever made. It was fine freshman year, because there wasn’t as much work to complete, but I’m glad that at this point I’ve mostly grown out of it (or at least become better at managing it). I really liked how you mentioned time management in your address, because I think it’s something that a lot of people struggle with. Good job!

  • shenderson19
    May 28, 2019 at 12:59 pm 

    Procrastinating is one thing every high school student deals with, I know I did for the last four years. It’s amazing that you talked about how going from one school to another helped you and that saying not to waste time. Hopefully this will help people in the future. Good job!

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