TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The End of the Road

So here we are everyone, the time has come. We’ve been told for many years that these four years of our lives would go by faster than we realized, but we all sat and suffered and complained about how long it seemed to last. First off, I would like to say thank you to all of my classmates, even if we aren’t all close, we have all had major impacts in each others lives and I can’t believe the time has come where we have to say goodbye. Standing here in front of everyone reading off my last ever English assignment seems surreal and I’m starting to realize that I never stopped to appreciate how good I had it. High school seems like the worst when we’re in it but now that it’s all winding down I feel emotional. It’s like even though I claimed to have hated this school so much, I somehow now don’t want to leave. I am excited for the future and to see where everyone ends up in life, I wish you all good luck in future endeavors. High school and school in general have taught me many lessons that I will be forever grateful for. Some of the biggest lessons that I have learned are to 1. Find your person and keep them close, (one good friend is always better than many fake friends), 2. Love yourself, 3. DO NOT procrastinate, and 4. NEVER shave your eyebrows off… and especially don’t tell people your brother shaved them in your sleep… they won’t believe you… TRUST ME.

To incoming freshman I know this seems daunting, and I know that you are going to dread these four years just like the rest of us but just take a step back, breathe, and I promise that you will get through this. I am going to tell you a few reasons why you should thank your school because it has or will do more for you than you may think. 1. Thank you Oak Hill for giving me the chance to meet my person. My freshman year I met this boy and yes this is going to get sappy and annoying and I apologize, but if it weren’t for Oak Hill I would have never met Dalton. Without this stupid school I would have never had the opportunity to have the one person who has stuck with me through everything and has been my biggest supporter. He taught me to accept and love myself, and (he also makes me do my school work so that’s a plus). He taught me that having only 1 friend is totally okay; it’s better to have one solid friend than to have a bunch of fake friends who aren’t in your best interest.

2. Thank you Oak hill for teaching me to love myself. Thank you for sending all the haters my way so I could prove them wrong in all of their hateful thoughts and actions. I have persisted through and their words do not affect me anymore. Thank you for sending her my way. Her being my old best friend who back handedly helped me love myself, through our toxic friendship, by telling me all of these mean things, she taught me to block out the negative through her own toxicity. I would have never gained confidence in myself if it weren’t for your hurtful words and actions. I am me, I am confident, and I love me.

3. Thank you Oak Hill for teaching me that procrastinating will come back to bite you in the butt. Even though I repeatedly did procrastinate all of these years I still regret it (trust me, you do not want to sit in summer school)  just save yourself the stress and do not procrastinate. Well Oak Hill.. It’s been one hell of a ride that I am sure to never forget, and in conclusion I am thankful for you even if you have your flaws, but hey, don’t we all? I wish all of the incoming freshman good luck and I hope you can learn to thank your high school, no matter what school you go to because whether you like it or not, you are stuck here for the next four years, you might as well enjoy your time here. Thanks again Oak Hill, I will miss you.

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1 Comment

  • tmoore19
    May 28, 2019 at 9:45 am 

    There are a lot of great lessons in this piece. Freshman should definitely listen to your advice. It is great that you rised above the hate thrown your way, not everyone is capable of doing so! You are absolutely right when you claim how fast, yet slow these for years went by.

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