TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

the worst is over

Dear graduating class of 2019, it is almost our time to walk across that stage at the Augusta civic center on  Monday, June 3rd. Time flies, just like people said it would, but we all know most of us did not listen to the upperclassmen or whoever gave you advice when you were just a little freshman a few years ago.

Now let’s go back to freshman year and talk about some things like that science teacher that our class made quit after just a short 2 or so weeks into the school year, which probably is not the best thing to remember but it happened freshman year. It also was the year of the 3 Peat football championship going undefeated. I was able to be a part of something that I will never forget. And freshman year I had my first and only new years party that was pretty fun I’d say if you were there you knew.

Now my sophomore year this was the year that I got my first touchdown for football and so did Ethan Richard, in the same game too at Maranacook high school. And one of the worst parts of my life started this year too. It was life-changing and always there in the back of your head and sometimes you do forget about it but as soon as you remember that you have hours of MEMBEAN to do it sucks. This year I was also in the hospital sick during football season, after about a week and a half they diagnosed me with Crohn’s disease, which was semi-life changing for me because I wanted to go into the military or any branch but I can not now because of the Crohn’s.

My junior year finally an upperclassman feels good but then I realized that I will be a senior next year and that was scary to me.  This was probably the hardest year for me and some others. I had lost some friends and found new friends at LRTC, and started to see who I was going to be as an adult. I finally decided to shave my head in February and share the awareness of alopecia with the district. I did, however, start to stray away from my friends and family too because of mental health issues.

My senior year is also been pretty bad too, with losing friends and falling behind because of procrastination. Football was good though, we made it to the game before states from being 7th seed. And here I am still working on late work just 11 days before I should be walking on the stage. I also did a lot of fundraising and getting donations of hair to bring to San Diego. And have spent a ton of time in LRTC culinary this year and also last year. Overall senior year has gone by the fastest.

The most important things that I have learned and had experience from being in high school is that it’s not what I had expected or what anyone has. Your best friends from middle school most likely will not be as close as friends anymore because people change. Relationships are mostly a waste of time, in my opinion, while you are in high school. Hard work will actually pay off as long as you actually work hard. Do not and I mean do not procrastinate because it does absolutely nothing for you, besides stress you out big time at the end of each semester. Thank you for your time and good luck to graduating seniors and all the classes to come in the years below me.

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1 Comment

  • tmoore19
    May 28, 2019 at 9:49 am 

    It seems like you had a lot of good things that happened throughout your time in high school. It is so cool that you got your first touchdown sophomore year! You are also lucky to have been in LRTC. I’m glad that you learned how bad procrastinating is for you, use that towards your future!

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