TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Jokes Over Now

There was one time where I laughed at a scary moment and that was in 2012 when my father and other family member were helping build our gruage. But once that was finished it was up to my father and the rest of the crew to build the back deck, well the back deck is 40 feet in the air so we had to set up staging.Staging is a wall of metal tubing that help construction workers or contractor’s with building up high without using heavy ladders and with the risk of falling off, but with staging you are able to work safely and about two people can stand on the same floor. Now each side of the staging is about 20 pounds and each cross section is about 8 pounds and hanging off a ladder can get pretty scary. The reason why I was hanging off the ladder was my father needed me to hold up a board as he nailed it down. I didn’t really like being on the ladder as I was scared of heights and wasn’t to thrilled that he told me to do it. I look back at this day I think that I was glad I did it then and not later when I needed to. One thing is though I don’t think that being teased by my family for the rest of my life would have helped, but I made it through that funny tough time and I look back at that time and laugh because I was terrified of heights then and now I’m ok with it. Another time is when me and my two older sisters were walking behind our house on some of the trails that my grandfather own. As we were walking we stopped by a little brook and tried to see if we could catch any of the frogs. We had then gave up and started to turn a corner and the oldest of the sisters turned me around and said “Lesley look its a raccoon” and when I fully turned around and saw the raccoon that’s when I turned back around and I had then started to run back to the house in flip flops and running through blackberry bushes that just happen to be in the trail. When I was closer getting closer to the house I ran past the garage screaming and my father was up in the loft putting up boards for the walls. Now I was already in the house crying when my two sisters started to walk by laughing and that’s when my father knew what had happened. Now at the time I wasn’t too thrilled of what had happened but now that I looked back at the situation I find it quite funny. Now another time is when I was reading a book now this book was like any other that I have every read where I really got sucked into the plot. What I really liked about this book though was that it was a series so that meant that there would be no cliffhanger so as I was reading the plot just kept on pulling and pulling and pulling me in but when I got to the end of the last book there it was waiting for me, the cliffhanger. Now when I closed the book I was very disappointed in what had happened so I went on and started to rant and wonder why that author decided to end it but it is what it is and well I can’t really change anything. But when I look back at that time I know that their are going to be many more books just like it and so I just had to accept it.  

Photo by Todd F Niemand on / CC BY-NC



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