TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Dear class of 2019, I’m not going to lie I’ve never really liked school. It all started when I was the first Kindergarten dropout in my family due to my cancer diagnosis. Starting out on a real high note eh? This caused me to be in and out of school for many years from elementary school up until High school. Because of my absence from school I was never able to form that attachment to school that everyone somehow seems to have. I never had time to join a sports team or do extracurricular activities. I just didn’t really see the point in all that.

Once I entered High School all of my bad habits had already been set in place with procrastination being my number one enemy. After having a lot of free time constantly while sick, I didn’t want that to go away, so I tended to put things off until the very last second. I got a little too good at cramming in the last weeks of the semester. Eliciting reactions such as “You…. you just finished my whole class in a week..” and having a teacher ask me one week if I was going to pass, then the next week shocked telling me that I had passed. Probably not the best habit, but I got good at it. I even somehow managed to make honor roll a few times while doing this. I believe that this habit of rampant procrastination is partially to blame on my middle school teachers. Back then all I had to do was tell them that I didn’t feel well or just ask to go to the nurse and boom, I’m exempted from my work. Eventually I realized “Oh, wait, lying is a thing” and I began to play the system known as sixth grade. Now when I look back I realize that maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing to do back then, maybe High school would have went a little smoother if I hadn’t done this.

Now, here’s the obligatory friends this, friends that section that all of these speeches seem to have in common. While being socially isolated and awkward before high school I managed to find a “few good men”. Yes, I just mentioned a 1992 war movie. Jokes aside, I did find tight knit group of people to be trustworthy friends. I never had to deal with the normal drama or bullying that happens only in high school because who picks on the cancer kid? Along with this I never lost any friends, asides to alternative school not that there’s anything wrong with that seeing as they’re getting the same diploma as me. Hopefully this core group of friends will remain in touch even as we go our own ways after High school.

All in all high school wasn’t easy but it by no means was hard. I never had any problems or drama between others for my four years and really only had the work to worry about. I hope this carries on into college, asides the procrastination part or else that could really come back to bite me in the but, or in this case my wallet. I’m glad these four years are finally over even though I have another four ahead of me. And just remember “You can’t handle the truth!”

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