TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A sour reason for a flag

I chose this because of my trouble with school. I’m a senior, but I have to come back next year in order to graduate. This was because I missed most of my schooling last year. I also had trouble with keeping up with my classes.

The reason why I didn’t go the school for the most part was because I wanted to go to the Auburn highschool instead, but I had no ride or way of getting there most of the time. I wouldv’e had to live in town just to be able to get to the school.

Another reason why I chose to taalk about the school situation was because when I was going to Oak Hill last year, I had trouble paying attention in classes so I didn’t get the credits like I was supposed to. So that is why I chose that for my flag. It makes alot of sense to me anyways.

The flag was done by the author.


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