In the top left corner there is a very small bookshelf that is a very huge part of me, the three books represent me my mom and my little brother Landon. The colors I have chosen for those books are a very large piece in my flag, the green represents how I enjoy going outside, the blue is for how I really like swimming and how I really enjoy the color in general. the red is for my brother, he loves that color and I don’t know why, but I love him so he can be in my flag. The sun in the top right corner represents summer and how much I love it. Everything that I said for the books except for the red happens in summer for the most part. Like swimming and nature is basically all around summer. not only do I love it because its so nice out all the time but because my birthday is also in August. the waves are to represent how I’m really not that up tight of a person and how I’m very laid back I pretty much just go with the flow and don’t get to worked up about things that are inconsequential. The pink background is representing the end of the summer and how the sky looks so amazing but also it represents the end of the journey for me in high-school and how its not supposed to be harsh and scary but more of a good thing.
Photo: by Author