TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My Hopes

My flag is a representation of my life: it is sectioned off on the sides into 4 pieces. I chose the color white because its blank and I can do what I want with it, and I choose the blue for sections because I am a emotional person.

The section made on the bottom of my flag is on the bottom because its where my life starts and the baseline of my life. This is me growing up, and how my life started off as a little kid, and its like that because I have not moved on my own yet and created a life for myself.

The side of the flag that is sectioned on the right side, shows my goals I want to achieve in life, such as having a nice house, the job I want to have, the goals to have my dream life, its made on the side because to get from the bottom to the top I need to go to the side of my flag to reach the bottom and the top.

The top of my flag is my future, and how my life turns out, that section is at the top because to get to the top, I have to go through the bottom, myself growing up. Next I have to go through the side, to reach my goals. Then to get to the top I will have accomplished my life goals and made my future successful. Then lastly all the middle that is left in my flag represents all my friends and family that push me everyday to achieve my goals in life, and help me accomplish my best me. This is why I choose that flag to represent myself. 

Image: by author


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