TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Broken Mirror With a Scared Face.

Mistakes can be made all of the time. But sometimes, they can be very embarrassing or even expensive. I learned this the hard way as a Freshman in high school, after breaking the mirror on our truck. This would be a well learned lesson.

While playing outside during the summer of 2016, I wasn’t really paying attention to exactly what I was doing. I was messing around with my lacrosse stick and a real ball, and passing with myself of a bounce back. Trying to be cool, especially with no one around…. I whiffed quite hard trying a behind the back pass. My gut dropped as I see the ball slinging towards our truck, luckily not a very new one. The ball hits perfectly of the glass mirror and shatters it. Of course the hardest pass to make and hits the mirror perfectly. I run inside and grab the keys and turn the truck the opposite way so you can’t see the broken mirror. Later that night my parents come home and ask why the truck is parked in a different way. I say I brought up the trash, and they think nothing of it. Later that night I was too worried and went and told my mom and dad. They were not nearly as mad as I thought they’d be. My dad said, “If you make a mistake, just be up front with me and I won’t be mad.” A couple days later a new mirror arrived at the house and I helped my dad install it.

Now whenever I make a mistake around the house, I just tell my parents right away, it’s so much easier. They also don’t get nearly as mad. Getting worked up over the problem is the worst to do, just tell the truth straight off.

Photo by tainkeh on / CC BY-NC-SA


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  • mham20
    January 8, 2020 at 11:52 am 

    Your writing is great! I was scared for you as I was reading this post – the suspense was killing me! Your beginning, middle and end was clear, and I’m glad you got a happy ending. I do wish there was a little bit more detail, but overall, this post was great and your first paragraph set the tone of the rest of the post – nice job!

  • cvalliere20
    January 9, 2020 at 12:46 pm 

    Great job with the actual telling of the story. I really liked how you isolated the lesson that you learned and showed how you got something out of it. For me you did an extremely great job describing what the pass was because I do not play lacrosse so this helped me understand why there was such a low chance of hitting the mirror and also why you were so shocked when you did indeed hit the mirror.

  • gwoodard20
    January 10, 2020 at 10:39 am 

    L–, I really like the content of your story. It’s impressive that you were able to face up and tell the truth to your parents that night. Do you think if you could go back you would do anything differently? Maybe find a new place to practice lacrosse that isn’t in your driveway? Very well done, I appreciate you keeping your writng concise.

  • elovering20
    May 25, 2020 at 9:57 pm 

    Wow I really enjoyed your post. If it was me it would’ve been hard to tell the truth to my parents. It makes me laugh on the extent people will go to practice something. What where you feel at the time you broke the mirror.

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