TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Close but Different

This flag symbolises my simplicity and values by the use of color and design. The red background of the flag represents my favorite color. Red has always been my favorite color other than black and white. The color itself symbolises strength, which I believe is a trait that I embody. Red is also the color of a ruby, which is my birthstone. The name “ruby” is derived from a latin word meaning love and passion. I don’t think it could be a better birthstone for me. 

While we are on the subject of birthdays, my birth month is July, which makes me a summer baby. Being a summer baby I loved everything that had to do with warm weather, water and flowers. The water lillies on the vine on my flag is a symbol of my positive energy and purity. Even in darkest times I bloom and create positivity. The diversity in colors of the lilies symbolize my family. There are five flowers for the five members of my family. They are each a different color and slightly different to represent how different my family members are from each other. We all think differently, act differently and believe in different things but that the end of the day we are all still as one which is symbolised as the vine. The vine is what keeps us together showing how we are all unique but still a close family. We all grow together but never grow apart. Everything shown in this flag are things or qualities that I value and that represent me.

Photo: By Author


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