TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Tanning Booth

Being a red head means that you probably have fair skin, at least that was true in my case. My family has teased me about my pale complexion since I was a toddler. My skin was so white, it reminded my dad of a ghost’s skin, specifically Casper the ghost. So, that became my new nickname, Casper.

When I was a little kid, 5 or 6 years old, I had to go with my parents wherever they went, and a place they went a lot was the tanning salon. They explained what a tanning booth is, and how it makes their skin darker. After I understood what a tanning booth did, I was upset, angry even that they get to change their skin and be tan, but I had to be pale and called “Casper”. So, me being the independent kid I was, decided to take matters into my own hands.

In the bathrooms in my house we have red lights along with the normal lights. I now know that those are heat lamps, but as a 5-year-old, their purpose was up to my imagination. I figured that the red light in the bathroom worked the same way the lights in the tanning booths did, meaning it would tan me like a booth would. So, that’s exactly what I used it for. I laid a towel down on the cold floor, got undressed, turned the heat lamp on, and laid down and waited. I thought I was so smart. I was no longer going to be called Casper after I got a nice tan from the light. But as I was laying there, my dad walked in. He saw me laying on the ground naked and asked, “What are you doing A—–?” and I plainly said, “Tanning.” He lost it. While laughing almost uncontrollably, he ran out into the foyer to tell my mom what he had just witnessed. Soon the rest of my family had been told what I did, and never let it go.

Whenever my dad saw a chance to bring it into a conversation, he did. He still brings it up to this day, more than 10 years later. From all of that, I didn’t lose the nickname Casper, nor did I get a tan from the heat lamp. But a lesson was learned that I’ll never forget, always lock the bathroom door.

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  • ddumais20
    January 13, 2020 at 10:55 am 

    Wow that’s embarrassing. I know what you mean, I have been made fun of how pale my skin is and people make jokes about it all of the time. 8th grade summer I tried to tan but it was actually outside on a very sunny day and I got so sun burnt that it hurt to even move and it didn’t even turn into a tan afterward. Everyone else can layout on the beach and not even out sunscreen on while I sit with sunscreen on and a towel over me and somehow I still manage to get burnt. Just like you, I would do anything to be able to tan.

  • coleighton20
    January 13, 2020 at 2:08 pm 

    This is a funny story because I am also very white and still am. Tanning is still hard for me because I get burnt easily and it doesn’t turn into a tan so usually I am always pretty white and it is hard for me to get tan unless I am out in the sun pretty often daily. People also tell me I am really white so I can connect with what you’re saying about being called Casper.

  • mryder20
    May 29, 2020 at 1:40 pm 

    Wow. This was actually funny! After reading your story, I wondered how that made you feel at the time. Were you embarrassed? Or angry that they made fun of you?

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