TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Time I went off the Road

I got home from school one day and my mom is talking to me about how there is going to be a huge snow storm the following day, I was stoked that there probably wasn’t going to be school. By the time I was going to sleep it was really coming down hard so I was super confident that there was not going to be school in the morning.

I woke up the following morning to my mom yelling at me to get out of bed and that I was going to be late, I was so incredibly frustrated that school was still on that I was in a bad mood for the rest of the morning and to top things off my little brother was being even worse at waking up than me so we were super late. it was 7:20 and everything was a mess. my mom was freaking out and my brother was still sleeping, and his room is a huge mess. I have trouble walking through his room. We had to throw on clothes really quick and get our stuff for school ready. We didn’t even have time to eat breakfast.

When we were leaving my road was super icy and my truck was slipping around all over the place so I tried to correct my truck but I over-corrected so I went off the road sideways into my neighbors lawn. These neighbors hate me and my brother, Landon is always walking around to get to places and there is a short cut that goes right through there lawn. It really isn’t that big of a deal but they hate it so much. They would call my mom and tell her about my little brother doing absolutely nothing except for walking, anyway these neighbors are very very annoying as well, they’re old people that cant stand teenagers so I was kinda annoyed with what just happened.

Thankfully though one of Landon’s friends parents drove by and offered to take Landon to school which was good for him but didn’t help me out very much. I sat there for a little bit and then I was just like “I bet I can get out of here” Which was kind of a stupid thought but I put my truck into 4 wheel drive and literally just drove out of a ditch with like foot high snow and I was probably one of the most stunned people in the world at that moment because my truck got stuck in one of my friends driveway before and it wasn’t even in snow. After I drove back onto the road I kinda just sat there and went over everything that led to that moment and was just in complete euphoria that I managed to best the snow with my truck. not only did I make it out of the snow but I also made it to school on time.

I thought I was for sure going to be super late, but I got to tell all my friends and they all thought it was super funny so I guess that’s a plus to going off the road. Then I remembered that I had to tell my mom, there was no way around it either because she has some sort of sense in her body that can detect when something is wrong. I don’t know how but she is always aware of things even if they don’t leave a trace. I thought for sure I was going to get grounded for life and my license. I got home and was like inching up to telling my mom about it. I was so scared but once I told her, she was really ok with it and asked if Landon and I are ok which we were than she asked is the truck damaged which it was not, she didn’t care at all and I was completely stunned. that was the last time I try to speed to school when the roads are completely mad out of ice.

Photo by Can Pac Swire on / CC BY-NC


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  • aboston20
    January 10, 2020 at 8:59 am 

    This was a really good story I enjoyed reading it a lot. And its good that at least one of you guys made it to school on time. I thought your explanation of the incident was explained really well, it kept me entertained.

  • nmarcotte20
    January 12, 2020 at 7:14 pm 

    This was a great story and a great learning experience. I have also had a similar experience about rushing in not ideal driving conditions. I didn’t get lucky enough to slide into a ditch like you. You use a good sense of humor while explaining a stressful time in your life.

  • mhall20
    January 12, 2020 at 11:30 pm 

    I thought it was hilarious that you were so nervous to tell your mom because that is literally the scariest thing on Earth. I am curious how Lana would react to the situation, probably with a furious call to the school about why they sent the kids to school in a snow storm. Great story Brady 🙂

  • mhill20
    May 27, 2020 at 1:28 pm 

    wow I can relate to this in a way. one of my first days having my license I went into a ditch and had to be pulled out by a tow truck. much like you I thought my parents were going to take my license and that I would not be able to drive anymore. lucky for me like your mom they were not mad and just glad I was okay, they told me that they can replace a car but not a son and just to be more careful next time.

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