TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Everyone Makes Mistakes

In the small community of Oak Hill High school, it was important to have friends, and you had many different friends because everyone knew everyone. Coming into the school as a freshman, the school was big. I stayed close to my friends as I saw all the seniors in the hallways that intimidated me. During my freshman year in high school, I had a few friends that always brought me down, and always made me feel unimportant, I had negative friends in my life, that constantly made me feel not good enough. As a freshman in high school I did not stick up for myself and I stayed silent, and I let these negative people walk all over me, and I never said anything, and they always made me feel awful about myself. They always thought they were the best, and no one was better than them, and everyone around them always felt like they were not good enough, which did not make me feel good everyday at school when I was a freshman. But I always told myself it is okay, and it is not a big deal. After a year, I slowly realized what was happening, and how this person was negatively effecting my life. As soon as I let this person out of my life, I told myself I would never let another negative person in my life again.

When I had these negative people in my life, they would be people that bring your mood down in the way that they are never in a good mood. My freshman year these negative people made me feel like I was constantly never good enough, but it was easier to be friends with them, then to be alone.. They always brought my mood down, and let me know they were better than me in every way. Saying things such as “I did this better” or “my *blank* is better than yours”, which always made me feel awful about myself since they used to always put me down. During the point I had these negative people in my life, they constantly reminded me about the bad and never the good, and I never really noticed until a few months after. I was mixing the good with the bad without noticing. It took me a while to notice who was negative and who was not, but I started noticing how certain people made me feel happy, and the certain people that constantly brought me down. But after a year, I started realizing who the negative people in my life were. The negative people in my life, that I thought were my friends, really just did not want the best for me, and I realized that I didn’t need that. I let them be my friends for too long, and I knew I needed to cut them off.

As I knew these people were negative, I began to slowly stop being around them, and then they were out of my life. It was the best choice in my life, because now I only surround myself with positive people. So after my freshman year in high school, now I look for red flags. Such as bringing me down, and them telling me they are constantly better than me. I stand up for myself now, and I do not let these negative people affect my life, or stand in my life anymore, and now the negative people stay the same, and i grow as a better person. I tool the stand for my own self good, to not let negative people be in my life anymore because of their actions such as always saying, “I am better than you,” and I will not let them in my life again. These negative people taught me now that I do not need them in my life anymore. This really helped me learn about who my friends are and who the people are that are negative in my life. I do not get told now, “I am not good enough” or “I did not do this right”, and I accepted the fact that these people stay the same, and I can not allot them in my life for that long anymore. So now once I find these red flags I do not let these people stay in my life as long as I did before, and I accept the fact I did this in the past, but now I can not let the past repeat.

Photo by Tim @ Photovisions on / CC BY-ND


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