TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Great Heist

This is a true story about my cousin Jake and me. At the time when this incident happened me and my cousin were very young and we behaved nicely, but we made dumb decisions at times that would get us in trouble Me and my cousin were in Greene, Maine, we were both 10 and 12 years old and we were walking to a gas station together to go get a couple snacks to bring back to his house to eat.

When we got there my cousin had enough money get one piece of candy but he wanted to get another so he stole a pack of candy and tried to walk out of the store with it but when he was walking out he got caught by the guy at the cash register because the alarm went off. The workers told him to put the candy back on the shelf in a serious tone, my cousin replied saying OK in a nervous voice. After he put the candy back they told us to come up front. As we walked up front to the counter the worker asked simultaneously why we stole from them. He said he stole because he wanted to get another piece of candy but he didn’t have enough money on him. He decided to steal because in his head he thought it was a good choice to steal because he thought that he could hide the candy and get away with it. They worker was very nice about our punishment and told us what he did was wrong and he said we weren’t gonna get in trouble because we were so young and we seemed like good kids who just made a bad decision. The worker told us that in the future we could get in a lot of trouble for stealing and it could cost us time in jail, this made my cousin feel really bad and it made my emotions feel bad too because I didn’t try to stop him from stealing. My cousin said he was sorry and we walked back home.

The lesson that my cousin learned taught me was that you should never steal because it can get you into a ton of trouble even if its something so little. The consequences can turn into something so much bigger and it can change someone’s life and effect their thoughts on choices The lesson my cousin learned played a meaningful role in my life because it showed me that you should always follow the rules even if no one is looking. Also on top of just getting yelled at for stealing, this issue can climax into making you look like a bad person and it can put you at risk for time in jail. My cousin contributed to me on learning my lesson by showing me how much trouble he could have gotten in if he was older. He showed a lot of emotions and he kept telling how sorry he felt as a person and that really made me think about life and why responsibility is so important to have as a teenager, so you can learn from your mistakes and become a better person. This incident also taught me that stealing is ungrateful in a way because my cousin had enough money for one candy bar but instead he decided to steal. The setting of the story has changed by showing how I eventually learned from my cousins mistakes and finally understood why stealing is so bad.

Photo by Scarleth Marie on / CC BY


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  • jaldridge20
    January 7, 2020 at 2:28 pm 

    This story was very good, I enjoy how deep you went into this story and actually talked about how you felt and the possible consequences that you could have faced. I agree that you shouldn’t steal because it can lead to stuff much worse that isn’t even worth stealing something so little like candy, Good Job!

  • cjunkins20
    January 7, 2020 at 2:31 pm 

    I like how you learned your lesson and grew as an individual. You had reflected off your cousins actions. It was very well detailed and I thoroughly enjoyed this write up.

  • kstilkey20
    January 9, 2020 at 2:00 pm 

    This was a well written piece that I can relate too. When I was young I was at CVS with sister I am 10 years younger than she is so I was 7 and she was 17 and I was innocent and had no idea what she was doing. We got to CVS and she told me to go off and get what I was going to get so I did. Next thing I knew we were checking out and we were walking out and then the alarm starts going off and I stop in my tracks and look at my sister with a nervous look on her face. Next thing I knew she had taken what she stole out of coat and gave it back. But her ending was not as good she was not allowed to enter that CVS again so her decision turned into a bigger consequence.

  • iveilleux20
    January 10, 2020 at 11:19 pm 

    This was a well written and very enjoyable piece of writing. I have a similar story as well when I was younger this one time I was at store called BJ’s and I wanted a lego figure, so I asked my mom if I could buy it but she said no. Then I thought in my head that I really wanted so I decided to put it in my pocket. So we walk out of the store and I don’t get caught but then we get to the car and my dad is like “did you steal something you look suspicious”, lying I said no. Then I get in the car and we start to head home. We get home and I go to my room to open my lego figure packet next thing you know my mom walks in and she says where did you get that. I say I found it and shes like no you didnt you stole it. I then finally tell het the truth and I get grounded for awhile and all I can say was “mistakes were made”.

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