TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Love That Animals Give

My dog Bentley loves to follow me around, like a “kid” like a hemorrhoid stuck to you like glue or at least he acts like that. I adopted him 4 years ago, he is the most smart dog I know. My sister had got him for her son for a Christmas gift, but then she wasn’t taken care of him, so me and my cousin came along and moved in with her husband and we noticed that Bentley was there one day and I asked my cousin and said “I thought Bentley was Danielle’s dog”? and he explained that she wasn’t taking care of him and I said that I wanted him, so I got him, and ever since then he became my dog/my best friend and he gets everything he needs now.

On a everyday life for me and my dog he likes waiting to see if I brought someone new home without him, waiting for a walk, waiting for treats or food when I walk into the door he jumps up on me and licks me like he hasn’t seen me in decades.

When he sniffs me until I pet him and when I do notice him and talk to him he wags his tail. Every night when he sleeps with me and he wants to go under the blankets with me it seems like he demands it because when he goes under he nudges his head as hes going under and sighs. Later that day Bentley thinks that I will give him something.
Accepting a dog or animal with structure for them and responisbility is amazing because it teaches them a lot. It taught me that labeling him as a kid wasnt the best idea, he may act like one but he loves me.

Whenever I have nightmares he senses them and he will atomatically wake my cousin and her husband up when their sleeping so that way he knows im okay and safe and I have a good night sleep. When I take Bentley for walks he loves to pull because he is not used to having walks he never got that before I took over all these new things he enjoys so much. my dog makes me feel amazing like ever before, I love spending time with him its like I can talk to him and he wont judge me.

In conlusion, having a dog is the best gift you could ever ask for he is like my best friend, hes always been there for me. Eventually they become to accept you and love you. My mistake would definetly be that I labeled him as my hemroid child but until he gives you that space its like a breather like you know you popped it but it keeps coming back to you because you have someone that actually loves you more than anything.

Photo by blanka.toth on / CC BY-ND


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