TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Instant Regret

It was the middle of August and school was coming up right around the corner, I was at my friend Ausborn’s house and we were just playing basketball thinking about what we should do. Our random idea was to shave each others heads. Now, why we thought of doing this i couldn’t tell you but it just seemed like it would be pretty funny if we decided to do this right before school started. The idea wasn’t very well thought out, but we just thought of it on the spot and that is what we wanted to do. We knew this probably wasn’t going to end up being our smartest idea ever, but we just thought it would be a fun thing to do and would be pretty funny to go to the first day of school with both our heads shaved.

It was a very hot day out and we didn’t have very much to do, we spent most of the day just driving around and playing basketball, by the time it got to late afternoon we were bored and just wanted to do something to end the night. We tried figuring out things to do, but shaving eachothers heads was this idea that came to both of our heads. Ausborn and I just sat around outside and waited for his parents to get home so we could figure out where the razor was to shave our heads, so we decided to just continue playing basketball outside for a while until they got back home. It took a while so we had quite a good amount of time to process our thoughts and think if we actually wanted to go through with this or not. It sounded very good in our heads when the idea first came to mind, but now we were trying to figure out if we actually wanted to go through with the plan. Once Ausborn’s parents got back home we got the razor and went to the upstairs bathroom with the razor and got everything set up for us to shave eachothers heads. We just sat around for a while in there because we were both nervous to actually go through with this. I spent a lot of time thinking about whether or not this was actually smart and whether I actually wanted to do this, or it was just going to be a stupid idea. The time finally came when we both were just going to do it, we decided we would both do a little bit at the back of our heads and keep going from there. So Ausborn started out by going from the back of my head and up, I’m not sure why I was okay with letting him doing this but I was. He finished his part and stipped a little but of the way up, I then proceeded to do the same thing to him. We both had the back of our head shaved a bit and were scared to keep going throughout our entire head. This is the part that we both had felt instant regret and wished that we didn’t actually start this idea. From here we stopped doing this idea which turned out to be pretty stupid on our part, and put the razors away.

After telling this story it was a very stupid idea and we never even fully went through with it so that made it look even worse on the back of our heads, and we both regretted this. When I look back at this idea today I laugh about this and how funny and stupid it was, because I don’t think we would’ve ever actually went through with this idea. I can’t help but to laugh about this day and the things we did because the idea itself was funny and we both regretted it. It was a very bad decision, that we decided to do very quickly without much thought and looking back at this it was a very funny experience that I am glad I got to experience at the same time. I would say that this was something I will always think back on and laugh about now, but at the time both of us regretted it and thought it would be a lot worse then it was. I have also learned to now give myself time to think about my decisions before I actually make the choices, or they may turn into regret again.

Photo by Jim Nix / Nomadic Pursuits on / CC BY-NC-SA


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  • cjunkins20
    January 7, 2020 at 2:19 pm 

    This was amazing and I enjoyed every bit of the story. I like the depth of detail you went in to this. If only you would of skinned that head of yours.

  • aboston20
    January 10, 2020 at 8:48 am 

    I like this story about me and you making dumb choices, its good that you learned from this. I like your understanding from this incident and knowing to give yourself time to think about your choices. Your introduction is also really good at engagement good job.

  • mkronstrand20
    January 10, 2020 at 8:50 am 

    Most great Ideas come when you don’t think about the negative repercussions. This happens to me a lot too. I bought a $300 pair of shoes and didn’t think twice about it until I actually did it and it left a hole in my bank account. I liked how you reflected at the end of your paper to tell us how you felt after you have shaved part your head and what was going in you and A—-‘s heads. This was a great read.

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