TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Oops I Did IT Again

I have been cheering for twelve years. I started cheering in first grade, I did not know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to do something that would help me have fun and get in physical activity. There was one time that I forgot to bring my cheering jacket to a game. The day before my coach told everyone on the cheering squad, “Make sure you have everything in your bags for the game tomorrow” I knew that she said that but my thought was that everything was in my bag already. I had a crazy morning and I thought that I had put my jacket in my cheering bag along with all of my other cheering stuff. The jacket was one that matched all of the other jackets. Well, this game was supposed to be particularly cold. When forgetting an item of clothing or any of our cheering gear there are consequences. These include people on the squad not being able to wear the certain item that is missing, because we all have to wear the same things, or the person that forgets the item has to sit for the game. I had to sit for the game. Well, technically I had to stand, in my uniform, on the sidelines. I had to wear a different jacket, which looked weird because I did not match any of the other cheerleaders. I was not able to do any cheering at that game.

Unfortunately, I did not learn my lesson the first time, because I forgot my cheering sneakers. I was not able to cheer at yet another game because I had not learned my lesson. It was very embarrassing because all of the people that were at the game were wondering why I was not doing the cheers like the other cheerleaders. I do not want to be embarrassed again. I also do not want to forget anything again. I now know that I do not want to forget any of my stuff for cheering or anything. I do not want to sit out on a game ever again. I also know that when forgetting to bring stuff for cheering, it could lead to me forgetting stuff that could be for my job or school.

People should make sure that they have all of their stuff with them. They should double or even triple check to make sure. They should also have reminders posted around to make sure they remember to have everything they need to be successful. People should pre-pack their stuff a few nights, or the night before they have to do anything to ensure they will have everything in case something happens and plans change.

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