TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


About two weeks ago I got grounded for giving really bad attitude to my mom. The night before I really didn’t  feel good and I went to bed super early. I went to bed because I had a huge migraine and thought I was going to throw up so I thought it would be better to just lay down and go to bed.

 I totally forgot to set my alarm for the next day because I had to up at 6 a.m. for work. I have to be at work around 6:30 to do rounds with third shift. I work at russell park it is a nursing home. It does require a lot of sleep or else you won’t be able to function at work and it won’t be a good thing That didn’t happen. My mom woke around 8 and then woke me up and I still felt like crap and I was still sick. Once she woke up she woke me up screaming at me saying,” why are you at work right now”. She also stormed into my room. I told her “I totally forgot to set my alarm” and she thought I was lying and got even more mad at me.

 I told her “I wasn’t going in”, but since I didn’t call out she was making me go in.To me this wasn’t far because it was my own life I should decide on when I should be able to work since I pay for my own things. So it is my fault. But I was not getting up and she was getting more mad at me. 

So once I finally got up she was rushing me and I didn’t even have time to take a shower. This definitely ruined my day because I got grounded and I was so messed up because I did not do certain things in the morning.  So then I rushed to work and finally started working but I really didn’t want to. I just wear scrubs and they are super comfy so it was easy to just through them on and fins shoes and go. On my way to work my mom followed me there and at first I took a different route than her and then I went back home and she followed me there and then I left the house again and I could see her in my rear view mirror just following me all the way to work.  I was really mad when I found out she was going to follow me. She did not even trust me going to work on my own. I took a different route because I did not want her behind me because I did not want her to follow me. I tried to get away from her but I couldn’t. Some people might think that is really funny but honestly it was just so annoyed. Then she had my location so I didn’t get way that wasn’t good enough. 

After that I continued on with my day until I started getting a headache because I forgot my glasses at home. I need my glasses to drive anyway but if I do not my head will start pounding and I do not need to read that much. I usually just need to read vitals. So I used my lunch break to go home and get them because my mom would not bring them to me. Once I walked in the house she started to yell at me so I just grabbed my glasses and left and went to work again using my break so I didn’t even get to have lunch. I was pretty mad when I didn’t have my lunch because I was really hungry so I had to wait until i got out of work to eat. My mood just got worse throughout the day. 

How I felt in the beginning was fine because I didn’t have to go in but then once my mom woke up and saw that I wasn’t at work she started completely flipping out at me and I didn’t know what to do. Since I gave her a hard time about it and that landed me getting grounded for a week and not having a social life at all. My thoughts about this situation was really bad because I just didn’t want to work and I had to go in after and go to work and that lead me staying later at work because there wasn’t enough staff so they made the first shift stay later than normal. I have definitely learned my from this.

Photo by Curtis Gregory Perry on / CC BY-NC-SA


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