TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The End

This story starts in the first round of playoffs this is when it got really real. We were on borrowed time at this point it was win or go home. Tensions were high at this point everyone was trying their best having the best practices of the year. We were going into the first round playing Madison which we had killed earlier in the season. This game was not much different we didn’t not have the most sound and fluent game but we went out and beat them good. We did not execute as well as we should have they got in our heads and made us play sloppy and careless we made lots of mistakes that need to be corrected. We survived to see another week of practices to prepare for the huge game ahead of us.

It is now the second round of playoffs and we were playing Lisbon our biggest rivals and we were looking to get revenge, taking a hard loss in our last game of the regular season to them. It was revenge week we were looking to give them back the loss they gave to us. Little did I know this would be my last game of high-school football. I will remember this last game for the rest of my life. The week leading up to the game was very competitive everyone was going hard playing good. It was a cold week preparing us for the cold game day we had a great week of practice. I was ready to leave it all out on the field knowing it could be my last game of my high-school career. We all showed up early on game day we ate breakfast as a team, then I went to go get my stuff ready for game day getting ready and mentally locked in. We load the bus to make the short trip to Lisbon as we arrive as the time ticks down it gets closer and closer to game time. The air was frigid and the field was muddy, the first kick was away that meant game time. We were going back and forth then they had caught fire and it was over from there. I am playing my heart out but every time they scored pushed the knife deeper. As the times going down it is setting in that it’s all over then coach calls a timeout, he tells all of us seniors to come over and it was all over I had played my last down of high-school football. I broke down from there not being able to control the tears going down my face it was so painful. Then as we shake hands one last time have one more post game talk it was all over.

The next few days go by and I missed it more than anything knowing I wore that uniform for the last time. Then as the week started the ground is coated with snow and ice. Now that I look out there I laugh and I’m glad that I was not out there in the freezing cold rolling around in the snow practicing. It was good while it lasted I had nothing else to prove I had given all I got and I had accomplished my personal goals throughout the season. I was proud of what I had done and how I came out of my shell and stepped up as a leader. I look back and smile about how much I have changed and became the person I am through the lessons I have learned through football. Now that I look back at it I remember all the good times I had and that it would have all come to an end one day. I am proud of not just myself but my team as a whole and how we had finally come together as a team and had chemistry, also how far everyone had came individually and had improved form where they started. I’m very happy with who I got to play with my senior year and wouldn’t have wanted to play with anyone else. It all may have been over but what I have taken away from football is more important than a win or a loss.

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1 Comment

  • aboston20
    January 10, 2020 at 9:29 am 

    I really like this football post. Your introduction was really good, it did a good job pulling me in and engaging me. You did a really good job summarizing the game and you did a good job talking about how you felt after the playoff loss.

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