TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


In my friend group I am always the one to drive us everywhere most of the time. But most of the time I have no idea where we are going and then I always have to ask for directions but I can not complain because I not being able to drive because I get very car sick and want to throw up. I am always embarrassed by it because I feel like I should know where I was going. I only can tell where i’m going if I have been there before a lot or it is really close to my house.

One time josie and I were going to Falmouth to give clothes away and we both did not know where we were going so we used the directions and we will got lost like we could not figure anything out with even directions and that is kinda embarrassing.  It was a nice day out and the roads were totally fine because it was during the summer and it was not raining at all. We all do not know where we are going so once all of us get into the car it is just a mess. When one pof get directions wrong we start getting mad at each other and start yelling and it turns into a battle and everyone says, “You are never driving us again.” All comes down when someone does not know where they are going. When it gets night time it is worse because we are awful at driving at night. If it somewhere that is not far away it will be fine but other then that it is not. Even with directions I still manage to mess things ups so I do not drive often but I always try to drive but it does not go well. I always tell them “It is fine you do not have to worry about anything.” Then they still do not believe me and I do not understand why because I am a good driver when I want to be and then that leads to them not letting me drive.

Another time I went to go pick up my car in Waterville because someone was putting new brakes on it and then when I was driving home I went to get on the turnpike to go south and instead I went north and then it totally went downhill from there. I was not freaking out that much because my directions just put me on a different route but I was kinda mad about it because I just wanted to be home instead of driving for hours. There was not an exit for a long time so I had to travel to the next exit and get off. Then had to all the way back to waterville and then finally get on the south exit to head home. I do this every time I go to Waterville it is just a habit that I have. I go up there a lot because I have family up there. Then usually I had to drive myself up because my mom spends so much time up there and I could not deal with it because once it comes to a couple hours at someone house I get so bored and I want to leave. So that is why I bring my own car.

Next, clearly Josie and I are not good with directions and we were going to Kents Hill to watch game this past weekend. I was out driving before this and I thought “This is not going to be good.” Then for sure it was not at all. I payed attention very well that night because I was not trying to get into a crash with my moms car. The visibility on Saturday night was very bad. I had to take my moms car because the lights on the car were better than mine. But we needed more than just a better car. We had to pull up directions to it because it was dark and we did not know where we were going. I was driving and missed so many turns because we just could not see the road at all. Putting on the high beams I thought would be better and it was not it actually made it alot worse then what it already was. We added a lot of more time on to getting there because we kept on taking the wrong  turn all the time. When Josie said, “The turn is now.” I was already too late to turn because I honestly did not see it and she said that about five times and then we finally got it. We turned a 30 minutes drive into basically a 45 minute drive and we made it there just in time for the game to start as we thought but once we got into the arena they were not even out on the ice practicing no on was coming out of the locker rooms. We were there for a good solid 15 minutes before they even got out on the ice. So we were all good. I felt like it was better on the ride home because there was not as much fog out on the roads as then when we were going there. The main roads were a lot better then the side roads because of the fog I felt like there was only fog on the side roads. We finally got home and we would never do that again because it was so bad. Never put Josie and I in the same car because we will not know where to go even though we have directions to the place we are going.

It is really embarrassing to ask for directions from everyone because I felt stupid all the time but I like driving places I just do not know where to go half of the time. If it is somewhere in Lewiston I will probably be fine but anywhere else I am not and it is embarrassing to me because it seems like I have not been driving for a while. I thought it would get better when I had my license for longer but honestly it has not and I have had my license for a year now and it is still the same as when I got it maybe a little bit better but not by much.

Photo by Photoma* on / CC BY-NC-ND


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1 Comment

  • mryder20
    January 10, 2020 at 2:23 pm 

    Wow B–! I loved this story because it was so accurate! Are you sure though that you drive everywhere? Because I am pretty sure I do… Anyway! I just wanted to comment on the point that I loved the humor you put in it. Your story is very relatable. I also agree that you are a very bad driver!

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